When The Fun Ends

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God, it was a dreary night.

You laughed a little at your own thoughts, maybe God wasn't the right deity to be talking too. Your observation still stood though, this night felt... off.

There wasn't anything strange about it per say, the sky was clear, the usual crooks and creeps littered the streets, but something didn't sit right. It was something in the air, something that made your skin crawl.

But you couldn’t place your finger on it, so you continued to walk, the pit in your stomach sinking deeper and deeper. You weren't used to feeling so unnerved.

"I don't believe this."

That voice, stopped you in your tracks. Froze you to your spot, so close to your destination. To meeting the safety of Lux and the entertainment Lucifer happily provided you. The man smiled a bit, but his eyes held a more malicious glint.

"Well shit, Y/N, you really did survive, I heard rumors, but I didn't think they were true."

You couldn’t speak, your tongue heavy in your mouth as your blood chilled in your veins. He tilted his head a bit, as if studying you and that sick smile of his grew.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" The man taunted.

He reached a hand out towards you to touch the scar beside your heart, and you jerked back, slapping his hand away. A scowl replaced your fear, and you glared at him with all the venom you could.

"You're supposed to be rotting in a cell Ashton."

"Well I guess we both disappointed each other then." Ashton shrugged a bit, to relaxed for your comfort.

You remained rooted to your spot as he circled you like some kind of predator.

"I took a plea deal remember? Possibility of parole if I pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter. I was a model prisoner, I got early probation because of it."

His words made your blood boil, and you clenched your fists, trying to restrain yourself. He wanted you to take that swing, to hit him, start a fight.

You wouldn't give him that satisfaction. But oh, how he knew what buttons to press.

"After all, I didn't really mean to kill her, it just happened." He smirked.

You saw red, your hands shook in restrained rage, and you clenched your jaw so hard you almost chipped a tooth. Ashton sighed a little, as if he thought of that terrible event as nothing more than an inconvenience.

"I mean really, if CeCe had just kept her mouth shut..."

The thin cord you held yourself back with snapped and in a moment of weakness you rounded on him. You were fully intending to knock him on his ass, whether it cost your freedom or not. To keep hitting until his blood stained the pavement.

Until your knuckles bled.

Just seconds before your fist made contact though, a hand grabbed your wrist, halting your movement. It was enough to distract you, just for a second.

"Oh dear, what do we have here?" A familiar voice asked beside you.

You stared at Lucifer, before turning back to Ashton, attempting to punch him with your free hand. Until Lucifer quickly spun you in a circle, releasing you as you stumbled into your cousin. Dan grabbed your arms, steadying you and holding you back simultaneously. You screamed in rage, struggling to get at the scum that stained your vision.

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