Problem Solving With The Devil

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You frowned a little, scrunching up your nose at the loud intrusion. You tried to ignore it, intent on going back to sleep.

But the familiar voice called out once more.

"Lucifer? Are you here?"

Letting out a slightly dramatic groan, you sat up. It took a moment to come to your senses, to shake off your sleepy haze, but during that time you realized you'd drooled on Lucifer's chest. You also realized you had been cuddling the devilish bartender in your sleep. Your face flushed a bit, and you quickly wiped the drool away, standing up. Your bones cracked as you stretched your arms above your head, walking down the stairs from Lucifer's bedroom.

"It's barely seven Decker, indoor voices are appreciated."

Chloe looked at you surprised, watching you walk by in one of Lucifer's shirts.

"Oh, I didn't realize you two were... I shouldn't have... I'm sorry..."

You stretched once more, yawning as you attempted to tame your wild bedhead.

"We're not, we just slept in the same bed, nothing more."

Chloe raised an eyebrow, clearly not entirely believing your words. Given your current appearance, and the fact that you had just stumbled out of Lucifer's bed, you couldn't blame her for assuming.

"We're just friends." You added.

"I don't normally cuddle my friends half naked." Chloe said.

You smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"You don't? That's sad, Decker, what kind of friends do you have?"

You stared each other down for a few silence moments, before you began to laugh, and she smiled. You walked over to her, throwing your arms around her.

"It's been too long, Chloe!"

She hugged you back.

"Dan told me you were back in town, sorry I haven't been to see you yet."

You pulled back, waving off her apology as you wandered over to the bar.

"You're a successful detective, and a kick ass mom, I get it, no worries."

She watched you pour ice into a cup before you filled it with water, a scheming smile on your lips.

"So, I heard you've been keeping busy, getting into trouble."

You smirked a little, walking back towards the bedroom.

"Oh, you know me, just starving off the boredom."

You disappeared back into Lucifer's room, and Chloe waited for you to come back out. Of course, she wasn't expecting to hear Lucifer shouting and cursing as you walked back out, smiling innocently.

Chloe opened her mouth to ask if everything was okay, words failing her when Lucifer walked out shirtless. Water dripping from his face and hair. He narrowed his eyes at you, and you refilled your glass, this time drinking the water rather than pouring it on his face.

"What in hell's name did I do to deserve that?" Lucifer frowned.

You raised an eyebrow, purposely ignoring him as you glanced at Chloe. Lucifer followed your line of sight, smiling when he saw who was in his penthouse.

"Detective! What a very early surprise!"

You slipped from the room as the two of them began to speak. You half listened to their conversation, as you got dressed. From what you could hear, apparently Lucifer was no longer in trouble for hurting that suspect a few weeks ago.

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