Avoidance and A Nap

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You didn't venture from your room until late into the next morning worried Lucifer might catch you and notice that you hadn't slept. You weren't sure why you cared if he knew, but you did. So you waited until he got up, waited until you heard him rummaging around in your kitchen. You laid there listening to him cook, enjoying the sweet aroma of pancakes that filled the air shortly after.

It was almost tempting enough to lure you from your bedroom.

As luck would have it you heard your front door, opening and closing not long after that. Curiously you peaked your head out of your room and found yourself alone. You took cautious steps towards your kitchen as if you expected him to suddenly jump out and scare you. When that ridiculous scenario didn't happen you shrugged and strolled into your kitchen.

"I think I'm falling in love." You laughed when you saw the mountain of pancakes he'd made.

A note set beside the plate and you plucked it from the counter top, eyes scanning the words on the paper.

'Afraid I had to leave a bit early, enjoy breakfast though!
P.S. That's not Tylenol, I'd recommend only taking one, but if you'd like to take more, do enjoy the trip.'

You raised an eyebrow glancing at the Tylenol bottle beside the pancakes. You opened it, staring at the strangely colored pills before shrugging a bit, you decided it best to only take half of one, not entirely sure what they were in the first place.

Maybe you trusted that man too much.

You happily help yourself to the mound of pancakes in front of you, eating as much as you could before wrapping the rest up for later. It certainly was a delicious way to start your morning, you'd have to remember to thank him later.


You figured you try to make it through the day without anyone noticing that you had in fact not slept at all the previous night. Unfortunately avoiding Lucifer was harder than you thought it would be.

He seemed to know your every move and no matter how many times you tried to get away for at least a few hours of sleep he'd be there. While you did want to hang out with your devilishly named friend, you did not want to explain why you looked half dead.

You finally decided on a rather unorthodox place to take your short little nap. Of course what you had planned to be a quick catnap quickly turn into almost two hours. The kind of nap where when you woke up, you were mildly confused and disoriented, the good kind.

When you woke up, the car you had chosen to take a nap in the back seat of, was moving. You sat up as you yawned and looking around for a moment as you waited to wake up more.

"Going somewhere fun Danny Boy?"

Your cousin jerked in his seat the car swerving a moment before he regained control. He let out a string of curses as several cars honked at him.

"Damn it Y/N! What are you doing back there!?"

You stretched a little, flinching at the pulling it caused your stitches. You hide your discomfort, leaning forward on the seat.

"I needed a place to nap." You shrugged.

Dan shot you a quick disbelieving glance before focusing back on the road.

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