A Little Persuasion

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You were supposed to be listening to Lucifer go over the plan with Mazikeen, adding input on all details and schemes that were sure to make your revenge hellish. Only you weren't doing such a great job of paying attention to what was actually being said. You were too focused on Maze's face, staring at it with curiosity.

"Any thoughts darling?" Lucifer chuckled, catching your attention for a brief moment.

"Yeah, sounds great, babe." You said absent-mindedly.

Lucifer quickly coughed back a laugh, realizing you didn't have any idea what he'd been saying, or probably even what you were saying. Maze on the other hand was trying to focus on what Lucifer was saying, but with your eyes practically burning holes in the side of her head, it was nearly impossible. She finally turned her attention to you, raising an eyebrow in question.

"If you keep staring at me like that, I'm going to start thinking you want to make out." Maze smirked teasingly.

That provoked a small smile from you and you shrugged, resting your chin on your hands.

"Offer again later, right now I'm trying to see if there's something that gives you away, something that shows you're not human. But I've got zilch so far, you look pretty human to me."

Maze glanced at Lucifer once she heard that, subtly nodding her head in your direction as if to say, 'what the hell?'.

"Oh yes, I've nearly forgotten, my darling little troublemaker knows all about us now. I must say she handled it quite well too. After a brief moment of silent panic." Lucifer smiled.

Maze looked back at you, only to find you'd moved closer, staring at her with the best puppy eyes you could give.

"Can I see?"

"What?" Maze leaned back a little.

"Your other face! Can I see it? I can say please if that helps, and add a cherry on top." You gave her a cheeky smile.

Maze snorted, rolling her eyes, but your request was answered almost immediately after, giving you no time to prepare yourself. You jumped back a little when half of her face distorted. The silence that followed was tense, until your unexpected words filled the air.

"Oh my god... do it again!"

Maze exchanged a look with Lucifer, who was smiling with amusement. He shrugged, taking a sip from his drink

"You'll find she's quite accepting of it all." He hummed.

Maze looked back towards you, your expression eager and fascinated.

"You're very strange." She laughed.

"Why does everyone keep telling me that?" You huffed, slouching back against the couch.

"Because you are, but that's nothing to be upset about, I find it quite appealing, however, we do need to continue our discussion my dear." Lucifer reminded you.

You let out a prolonged and a bit dramatic sigh as you pouted, crossing your arms. You even went so far as to stick your tongue out at him, which Maze found very entertaining.

"Oh boo, you're no fun."

Lucifer's mouth dropped open in offense, and he placed a hand to his chest in mock hurt.

"I invented fun, thank you! Honestly, love, I'm beginning to think I've been spoiling you." He scolded, earning a tiny smirk from you.


"Alright, you remember the plan, yes?"

Maze tucked a knife into her boot, rolling her eyes at the repetitive question Lucifer asked, again.

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