Shenanigans With The Devil

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You rifled through the papers in the room, eyes skimming over the pages as Lucifer brought over yet another box.

"Goodness, he certainly has a lot of records."

You hummed, opening the box he sat beside you, shuffling through the pages to find the one you were actually looking for.

"He was a petty their, a piss pour weed dealer, and a carjacker. Always got caught, but you know, rich mommy to bail him out." You shrugged.

A triumphant grin spread across your lips when you found the file you were looking for.

"All this work for just one file?" He frowned, and you quickly snapped pictures of the content inside with your phone, before shoving it back into the box.

"It's all I need. His latest file. His address, his work place, current known associates." You explained, placing the box back on the shelf before kneeling on the ground under a table in the back of the room.

Lucifer placed his hands behind his back, leaning forward a little to watch you grab a pocket knife from your boot.

"Darling... what exactly are you doing?" He inquired curiously.

"Dan texted me while I was taking photos of the file. Apparently, the paper guard man made a huge scene upstairs. And Dan knows it was me."

You tossed Lucifer your phone, and he skimmed through the messages between you and your cousin.

"If he catches me in here, he might actually make me stay in jail for a bit. I just don't have the time to organize riots right now." You sighed dramatically.

You continued your hasty attempt to unscrew the screws on the vent door.

"Then should we not be departing now? Not... whatever it is you're doing?"

You laughed, finally getting the last screw out. With a little bit of effort, you managed to pull the latch off the vent.

"We can't just waltz out of here, Dan is already on his way to check, if we go out that door, we'll run into him. So we'll take this vent, if we go the right way, we'll be able to get out through the vent in the break room."

"How on earth do you know this?"

You laughed, crawling into the vent, your voice echoing as you spoke.

"You think this is my first time doing this? Now hurry up! And put the latch back on after you!"

Lucifer cursed under his breath, but dropped to his knees, crawling after you into the vent, securing the door back into place just moments before the door to the file room opened.


The two crawled slowly through the vents, speaking in hushed whispers as you neared your destination.

"My suit is filthy! This is one of my favorites!" Lucifer huffed sourly.

You laughed a bit, turning left when the vent split off into three sections.

"It's just a little dust, nothing you can't wash."

"Wash? Are you mad? You don't just wash a suit made from-"

The sound of fabric ripping froze you in your tracks, and you slowly peered over your shoulder to find Lucifer glaring at you harshly, pointedly ignoring the hole in his expensive suit. He'd caught the shoulder of his suit jacket on a stray screw poking from the walls of the vent, ripping a sizeable hole in his sleeve.

"Lucifer your-"

"I know! Keep crawling. The sooner we're out of here, the sooner I can find a decent change of clothes." He grumbled.

You forced yourself not to smile and resumed crawling.

"At least the view is enjoyable." He muttered under his breath.

You smirked, giving your hips a little extra sway. He let out an appreciative whistle, and you both laughed quietly.

It wasn't long after that you finally reached your destination, you instructed Lucifer to back up as you awkwardly maneuvered yourself onto your back. He raised an eyebrow, about to question what you were doing, until you raised your feet and proceeded to kick the vent latch.


It went flying and the two of you proceeded to crawl out of the vent. Dusting yourselves off as you looked around the room, eyes locking with the only other person in there besides you and Lucifer.

The officer sat at the table, eyes wide and spoon in his mouth as he stared at you in shock. You'd interrupted his lunch in a rather abrupt manner, and he slowly lowered his spoon away from his mouth.


You smiled, giving him a small wave as Lucifer picked some lint from your hair.

"Officer Fisher."

He glanced at the vent door lying bent a few feet from the fridge.

"Why... uh why were you-" The still stunned officer began, but you were quick to cover your bases.

"Don't tell Dan about this, and I won't tell the Lieutenant I saw you eat her turkey sub last week."

He quickly nodded his head, immediately eager to accept your deal. You smiled, wishing him a good day before slipping from the room with Lucifer in toe. With a bit of luck, the two of you managed to escape the precinct with no more hiccups.


You sat on the couch in Lucifer's penthouse, thread and needle in one hand as you held his suit jacket in the other, mending it carefully. He sat beside you on the couch, watching you curiously.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you? Where did you learn to sew so well?"

You smiled a little, trying your best not to prick your thumb.

"The lady who lives next door to me used to be a seamstress, at her age, dragging large garbage bags and tending to her garden isn't easy anymore. I help her and in return she taught me to sew." You explained.

You finished your work, holding it up proudly for him to see.

"Tada! You can barely notice!"

Lucifer could just faintly see the line, and although it was a bit crooked and the thread a shade off, he smiled nonetheless.

"It's wonderful, darling, thank you."

He slipped the jacket back on, smoothing out any wrinkles. You clapped your hands together, pulling your phone from your pocket.

"Now let's get to planning! I'm eager to see him dance like a worm on a hook."

It was Lucifer's turn to feel proud, and he pulled you to his side to get a better look at the pictures on your phone. Although his arm didn't move from your waist, but when you looked at him, he didn't seem to realize. So you scooted closer to him, rattling off plans and ways you could go about your revenge.

Lucifer smiled, you were blissfully unaware of the adoring look he gave you, or the way his hold on you tightened ever so slightly. Or the fire in his eyes at the thought of destroying the man you'd caused you so much pain.

"I think that's a marvelous idea, my love." He grinned.

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