A Little Family Time

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You had done so well staying out of trouble the last few weeks. So well in fact that Dan had stopped by your home to see if you were alright. You weren't entirely sure whether to find it amusing or be offended.

You settled for a healthy mix of both.

"Don't you have work or something?"

You tried not to make it obvious you were trying to get rid of him. It wasn't that you didn’t want your cousin there. You always enjoyed your visits with him, whether it be handcuffed to his desk or just stopping by for coffee. However, today was not one of those days, today you had plans, plans that couldn't be interrupted by your law enforcing cousin.

"Not today. Why?" Dan eyed you suspiciously as he accepted the cup of coffee from your hands.

"I was just asking, making small talk, don't be so testy." You scolded.

Dan raised an eyebrow before he none to subtly smelled the coffee. He stared at it as if he expected something to happen.

"Did you spike my drink?"

You choked on your own coffee, coughing as you lightly hit your chest.

"What the hell kind of question is that?" You snapped.

"You're acting weird. I mean I'm used to you trying to get rid of me, but normally you're not so rushed about it." Dan pointed out.

You sighed heavily, setting your drink down on the coffee table.

"I have plans."

Dan raised an eyebrow smiling a little at that.

"Plans? Like a date? Since when do you date?"

You lightly slapped his arm rolling your eyes.

"It's not a date you idiot. I'm just... helping a friend."

Dan stared at you a minute, until you shifted uncomfortably.

"Helping a friend?" He repeated slowly.

You chewed the inside of your cheek nervously and avoid his accusing gaze.

"And how are you helping this friend?"

Your mind raced as you tried to think of an excuse, any excuse to get him off your back.

"Dan I just-"

There was one quick and loud knock at your door before it swung open. You heaved a quiet sigh of relief at the welcome interruption.

"Y/N, you darling little troublemaker you've simply got to hear what... oh... am I interrupting family time?" Lucifer paused his eyes jumping between you and Dan.



You and Dan exchanged glares before you stood and walked over to Lucifer, grabbing his arm.

"Your timing is perfect! Can I talk to you in the kitchen real quick?" You smiled sweetly at the devil pulling him along.

You heard Dan mumbling under his breath but paid it no mind as you ushered Lucifer over by the fridge, just far enough away that your cousin couldn't hear you.

"Keep Dan distracted for me." You cut straight to the point.

Lucifer raised an eyebrow, looking at you with slight confusion.

"I'm sorry?"

You glanced over your shoulder as if you expected Dan to be ease dropping.

"I have an... errand... to run, and I can't do what I need to if Dan is suspicious." You explained.

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