Spilling Drinks

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The music was loud and the people very drunk. You picked up bits of conversations, but you weren’t really listening, downing whatever drink Maze had given you.

It left a bitter taste on your tongue and you scrunched up your nose.

"What is this?"

Maze shrugged a little, taking a sip from her own glass.

"I'm not sure, I told Ben to surprise me and this was what he handed me."

You gave Maze your best bitch face of the night, tapping the glass in your hand.

"Aw, thank you so much for the mystery liquid, Maze, I appreciate it." Your voice was heavy with sarcasm.

Maze smirked, nudging you a little.

"You wanted to get trashed, drink a few of those, and you'll forget the entire week."

You glanced back at your glass, raising an eyebrow.

"Finish that one, I'll get you another."

You tried to protest, insisting you didn't want another strange concoction, but she was already gone. It wasn’t a good plan, but you decided to find Lucifer before Maze could come back with something else.

You couldn’t even remember what number drink you were on.

You didn't care to keep count though, or even be concerned about what she was giving you. All you knew was how depressingly sober you still were, apparently she hadn't given you enough yet.

But your main concern right now was finding Lucifer, who you somehow managed to lose in the crowd earlier in that evening. You weren't really paying attention as you weaved through the crowds of people. Which made the fact that you ran into someone almost inevitable.

"Oh Satan, I'm so sorry!"

The blonde haired woman stared at the red stain on her shirt and was about to say something, but her face scrunched up in confusion.

"Did you say Oh Satan?"

You laughed a bit, setting your now empty glass down on a nearby table. At least she spared you the danger of drinking whatever was in that cup.

"Yeah, sorry about that, Lucifer gets testy when I say God." You explained, examining the stain.

"I can get that out, just need some rubbing alcohol."

"Oh no, that's okay, really, I'll take it to the cleaners tomorrow."

You ignored her dismissal, grabbing her arm to pull her towards the bar.

"Ben!" You waved the bartender over, flashing him a smile as he leaned on the bar to hear you better.

"Did you get into a fight again Y/N? The boss told me to keep a first aid kit back here for you."

You laughed, shaking your head.

"Not this time Ben, but I do need some rubbing alcohol, or peroxide if you have it."

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