A Chaotic Sort Of Fun

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You hadn't really been thinking how early Lucifer's offer for breakfast would be. You'd just mindlessly accepted because who could pass up an offer for free food. Yet here you were, dragging yourself to his car far earlier than you would have liked.

"Come on darling, I don't think I've ever seen you move so slow."

You scowled at the man in front of you, it was too early for him to be so full of energy. A part of you envied him, but a bigger part was just annoyed.

"It's seven in the goddamn morning! Is there some reason we couldn't wait until later? Like maybe ten?"

Lucifer, despite the scowl on your face, smiled brightly, holding the door open for you.

"This is when the muffins are freshest, it'll be well worth it."

You groaned, dragging your feet to the car as Lucifer raised an eyebrow. He shut the door behind you as you sat down.

"Honestly love, you act as though it's the end of the world."

Lucifer chuckled as he walked around to the driver side of the car. He opened his door with the intent of getting in, but a police cruiser pulled up behind the corvette, flashing its lights. While Lucifer stared on in confusion, you shrunk down in your seat.

"No, but it is the end of my day..."

Lucifer turned to you with a surprised expression as two police officers stepped out of the car. They barely spared Lucifer a glance as they called your name, and you sighed.

"Yeah, I'm coming..."

Lucifer took a step forward when you got out of the car, turning, so they could handcuff your wrists behind your back.

"Not so tight, geez."

"What is this all about?" Lucifer asked frowning, when he saw your grimace.

Although it was more of a demand than a question.

"There's a warrant out for her arrest."

You barked out a laugh, rolling your eyes.

"You'll have to be more specific than that." You sassed.

The cop frowned, leading you towards the car, opening the back door.

"Destruction of property."

You exchanged looks with your dark haired friend, who judging by his expression, found this situation just as assuming as you.

"Yeah that doesn't narrow it down much."

Lucifer chuckled at your mumbled reply, and he pulled out his phone.

"I'll give the Detective a call and meet you at the station."

You ducked your head as you slid into the backseat of the cruiser, watching Lucifer put the phone to his ear as the door closed behind you.


You rubbed your wrists as you were shoved into a holding cell, a smile lighting up your face as you saw you weren't alone.

"This day just got much better, who wants to start a riot?"

Intrigued and interested looks answered your question, and you laughed. You claimed the bench, crossing your legs as you sat back.

"Huddle around kiddies, we're going to play a game."


Lucifer strolled into the precinct, glancing around as he searched for you. His phone call with Chloe was fruitless, as she claimed she couldn't do anything if the owner of the bar you'd thrashed was pressing charges. His search for you was short-lived as Dan approached him.

The Girl In The Handcuffs Where stories live. Discover now