Frerard (17)

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   Gerard's POV

   I was hanging out with Frank at his house and we had dinner not too long ago. I'm not sure what I ate... But it wasn't right...

   Frank and I were sitting on the couch when I felt my stomach start to get queasy... I suddenly felt a bit of a rush in my bowels. I knew what was coming...

   I stood up and began running up the stairs to the bathroom. I was close to the door when I felt a knot. I stopped and pulled my pants down, not able to make it. I squatted as the shit started to leak out. I completely lost control of it, letting some of the chunky liquid out.

   Frank came up behind me as I was embarrassed as hell. Frank crouched beside me, rubbing my back.

"You okay?..."

   I began crying as he hugged me.

"It's alright, Gerard~ I'm not mad~"

   I felt some more shit leak its way out.

"It's fine, Gee~ It happened here~ nowhere else~ you're with me~"

   He kissed me on the cheek.

"Come on~ I'll help you to the toilet~"

   I began to stand up, wincing and going back down as more dribbled out behind me. I cried more, Frank picking me up bridal style and walking backwards into the bathroom. A few small drips hit the ground as he carried me. He sat me on the toilet, petting my hair.

"You're going to be alright, Gee~"

   Frank began wiping the shit off the floor and then the big mess I made on the wood floor in the hallway. I whimpered, still needing comfort while he did that. I felt another big poop coming...


   The sounds echoed in the bathroom as the chunky mess fell out of me. There was a lot of it too...

   Shortly after, Frank came back in to hug me.

"I cleaned everything up, Gee~ you're going to be okay~"

   I cried as I clinged onto him to finish off my diarrhea.


   Word Count: 347

   I just wrote all of this now! Except the first sentence x333.

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