Kellic (16)

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   Kellin's POV

   I sat next to Vic as we were watching a movie, him cuddling me a bit. It was only us because we were having a little house date. My stomach was kind of feeling funny however...

   I suddenly felt the need to let one rip... I didn't want to though... I didn't want to disgust Vic with my smelly gas...

   Maybe... One won't hurt?... Just to get it out of my system...

   I felt my hole loosen a bit to let some air out.


   I blushed, glancing over at Vic who was paying no mind to what I was doing. Thankfully it didn't make much of a sound and didn't smell...

   Maybe I could let some more out...

   I pushed more gas out of my asshole.

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffft! Pfffft!

   I blushed again, being relieved that it was soft.

   Not long after that, my face heated up even more when I was hit with a strong odor...

   It was a deadly one this time...

   He's going to know... Vic is going to know... I thought I could get away with it...

   I noticed Vic look at me from the corner of my eye. I looked away, not being able to face him at a time like this.

"Kells... Are you feeling alright?"


"You sure? It smells like your stomach is upset..."

   There was no denying that it definitely was...

"Well... yeah... it is..."

   Vic frowned, rubbing my belly.

"Mmm~ Vic... No... You'll make me release more..."

"Go ahead... Let it rip, Kells..."

   I blushed.

Pfffffft! Pfffffrt! Prrrffft!

"There~ doesn't that feel better?~"

"Y-yeah a bit..."

"Good~ let it all out~"

   I whined.

Prrt! Prrft! Prrrrrrt! PrrrffffRRRRT!

"Nice one, Kellin~ I could really feel the vibrations from that one~"

"Vic... This is embarrassing..."

"You're okay~"

Vic cuddled me as I whined. I wasn't hating the attention I was getting from him.



"Awe~ that one was loud and wet~ you feeling better?~"

"Honestly... Yeah~"


He smiled, tenderly kissing my lips as the awful smell lingered around us.


Word Count: 342

Okay like... ik I'm fucking disgusting... but I'm still a fucking person... I hate when people just waltz into my life just to harass me... news flash... you don't exactly pick your kinks... it's just a natural thing... ik I have a choice of whether to post this stuff but many people do like this... I'm not alone... but I hate the fact that people feel the need to shun me and tell me to kill myself when I'm doing absolutely nothing to harm them in any way... I'm just too much for some people ig...

I'm back to being single btw because I am definitely a lesbian. Want to mingle ladies? 😏😉



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