Frerard (14)

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   Gerard's POV

   Frank and I were feeling a bit adventurous and wanted to change something in our sex life. Frank had this crazy idea of adding farts to our foreplay. I didn't get it at first but then I thought that there were many ways to tease someone with gas.

   We were both currently naked, in a scissoring position so our assholes were practically kissing. I giggled, feeling Frank's asshole open and pucker against my own. It felt so weird but it was so hot~.

   Frank giggled.

"I feel one coming~ ready?~"

"Yeah~ go ahead~"

   I felt Frank open his asshole.


   I moaned at the air getting blown right on my asshole. It was so warm~ and smelly~.

"Frank~ you stink~"

"Good~ your turn~"

"Fine~ just give me a second~"

   I pushed.


"Fucking God, Gerard~ that felt so nice~"



   He smashed his asshole against mine a bit more.


"Fuck!~ Frank!~"

   He giggled as I jumped on top of him and placed our balls together. He groaned, me grabbing both of our dicks and stroking them.

"Fuck~ Gee~"

"Yeah?~ you fucking like that?~"

"Fuck yes~"


   I kissed him passionately as we roughly grinded together.

"Gee~ fuck~"

   Frank came all over our stomachs, moaning loudly. I blushed.

"Frank~ you naughty boy~ we didn't even do anything yet~"

"I know~ but fuck~ that was so hot~"

"I'm glad you liked it~"

   He giggled, grabbing my length.

   I moaned as he stroked me quickly until I came as well.

"Aaaaah~ shit~ we need to do that more often~"

"Fuck yeah~"


   Word Count: 276

   I feel like these are really dry... Either I'm not in the mood... Or I just don't have much time... Idk... Maybe a bit of both... Idk I keep having cute ideas but there's not much to them...

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