Kellic (4)

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   Vic's POV

   I was at my house alone while on the phone with Kellin. We were on for about twenty minutes when I began thinking about how perfect he was. I loved every feature he had, including his attitude. I carefully listened to his voice as he told me something that I wasn't really paying attention to. I was too distracted by the lump in my pants. I blushed, slowly taking my dick out. I stroked myself, listening to his perfect voice. My thoughts shifted to me bending him over my bed and thrusting into him hard as I made him scream. I closed my eyes, imagining how good that would feel.

"Vic... Vic?!"

   He pulled me from my thoughts.


"Ah, I thought I lost you for a second..."

   I giggled.

"I'm here~"

   He continued to talk to me like he was a teenage girl as I went back to stroking myself. I started thinking about him riding me as he pinned me down and kissed my neck.

"Ah fuck, Kellin~"

"... What?"

   I paused, realizing what I just did.

"Vic~ you dirty boy~"

   I blushed, hearing a giggle.

"Don't get too worked up~ I'll be there soon~"


"I'm coming over~ you clearly need some help if you're stooping to masturbating to my voice~"


"You want it?"


"Alright~ hang on~"

   I could practically feel the smirk as he hung up the phone.

   A few minutes later, he knocked on my door. I opened it for him and we went to my room. I laid down on my bed as he got on top of me.


   He got close to my ear.

"You're such a horny boy~"

   I squirmed under him, proving his point.

"Awe~ you want to fuck?~"

   I moaned, thrusting up a bit.



   I watched him take his pants off, smirking at me. He turned around and spread his ass cheeks.

"This what you want?~"

   I moaned, checking out his precious area.

"Fuck~ Kellin~"

"Get in~"

   I eagerly took my pants off, putting some lube on my dick. I rubbed some on Kellin's asshole as he waited on all fours. I lined myself up, touching my tip to his hole.

"Ah~ don't prep me~ that's okay~"

   Kellin giggled sarcastically as I groaned, growing impatient. I studied the position of my cock and got prepared to penetrate.


   I blushed, feeling the air on my cock as Kellin hid his face in his arms on the bed.

"F-fuck... I'm so sorry..."

   I smirked, kind of liking how Kellin went from so dominant to so submissive. I oddly enjoyed the fart as well... It was so hot that I pushed myself in fairly quickly.

"Vic! Ow! Jesus fuck! Ow! Dammit!"

   Kellin breathed heavily as I wrapped my arms around him. He groaned in frustration.

"You're not supposed to just slide in, I hope you know... You have to prepare me first... Holy shit, Vic..."

"I'm sorry..."

   He grunted.

"No self control, I swear..."

"I'm sorry..."

"Well don't take it out now... Just give it a minute..."

   I whined, rubbing Kellin's hips. After a bit of waiting for him to adjust, he groaned.


   I blushed, thrusting into him slowly. I began going faster after a few seconds.

"My God, Vic~ you're desperate~"

"I'm sorry~"

   I pounded into him as he groaned loudly. I was too busy fucking him into the bed that I didn't even notice the sloppy noise it started to make.

   I began to smell something a little off...

   I looked down seeing my dick covered in shit.



"There's shit everywhere..."


"There's shit all over my dick and all through your asscrack..."

"Ah fuck..."

"I mean... I don't really care..."

"Then keep going~"

   I blushed, continuing to pound into him.



   I wasn't hating the texture... It honestly felt kind of good... The smell was kind of hot as well...

"Kells~ fuck~"

   He moaned along with my thrusts.

"Fuck~ Kellin~ I'm going to cum~"

"Come inside, Vic~ please~"

   I groaned, my eyes rolling back as I released inside of him.

"Yes~ Vic~ that feels good~"

   I slowly slid out of his shitty asshole.


   Kellin moaned as he sharted on me. I smirked, looking down and admiring the mess he made.

   Scat fetish... Who would have guessed?


   Word Count: 736

   Omg... I finally got into a real life relationship-

   I'm supposed to go on the double date this week which I'm really scared but excited for at the same time-

   This will be my first date that I've had in two years... Hopefully it doesn't completely suck-

   I fucking went through so many moments of people bragging about their relationships to me and making me feel like absolute shit so let me have this moment 🙏🙏🙏

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