Kellic (6)

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   Vic's POV

   Kellin and I were cuddling after we ate dinner. My stomach was growling, making Kellin giggle.

"Are you still hungry?~"

"No~ my stomach feels weird~"

"How weird?"



   Kellin giggled.

"You read my mind~"

Prrrt! PRRT! Prrrrrrrrt!

   I giggled.

"You gassy too?~"


"Ah~ this should be fun~"


"Sniff my ass and I'll show you~"

   Kellin smirked, getting on top of me so we could sixty nine. He placed his face in my ass as I giggled.

Prrrrrrt! PppppppppprrrrrrRRRRRT!

   Kellin moaned.

"That was a good one, Vic~ very stinky~"

   He sniffed my ass as I moaned, getting caught off guard.

Prrt! Prrrrrrrrt! Poot! Poooooffffft!

   I moaned, sniffing Kellin's perfect ass.

"Fuck~ Vic~"


   I moaned, getting instantly hard from the sudden warm blast. I loved the feeling of Kellin's pants getting hot from his air.

"Kellin~ fuck~ ah~ please~"

"You liked that one, huh?~"


   I spread my legs.

Prrrrrt! Prrt! Prrffft! Poot! Pooooot!

   I moaned as Kellin sniffed my ass. He grunted.

Prrrppppppppt! Prrrrppppt! Prrrpppppppppppppfffrrt! Prrpppppppppppt!

   I was hit with a sudden smell of shit.

"Kellin~ fuck that was good~"

"I... Pooped myself..."

"Aaaah~ Kells~ fuck~"

Pppprrrt! PrrrppppppPPPPPPT! PrrrpppppppppppppPPPPPPPPPPT!

   Kellin's pants had a nice brown stain along with a decent lump.

"Fuck! Vic! Get me to the toilet! Please! It's explosive!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit is right! Help me!"

   I picked Kellin up and ran him to the bathroom. I pulled his pants down and sat him on the toilet.

"Uuuugh~ fuck!~"

Prrpppooot! Prrrrpppppt!

"Fuck... Fuck... Fuck~"

   Kellin started shitting a lot as I took his pants fully off. His underwear was covered in brown along with some on his pants as well.

"Holy shit, Kells... Are you alright?... I didn't know you were in so much pain..."


   I grabbed his hand as he sweat.

"Kells... Are you sick?..."

"I don't know... I'm in pain though..."

"Aww... Kells..."

   I hugged him as he breathed heavily.

"You're going to be okay, Kellin~"

"Fucking hell..."

   He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.


   Word Count: 353

   I apologize for being so inactive. I've been pretty busy lately...

   Also I'm sorry I keep giving Kellin diarrhea :'3. I just find it hot :'3.

   I kinda want to keep drawing stuff but idk what. I was thinking about drawing something that fits my one of my oneshots but idk which one lol

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