Who did this? ❤️ Asmo x Reader ❤️

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My amazing proofreader: Meggku
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You walked through your bedroom door, your legs and head throbbing. Now that you think about it, everything was throbbing and hurting. You flopped onto your bed with a huff and a few coughs. That was a bad idea.

You started to go over what happened. You did this every time the bullies hit you, trying to see what you could've done differently. This time, they decided to corner you in the bathroom, take some erasable ink, and write all over you. They drew on your arms, legs and head but left your face bare to avoid you from being noticed. They marked where they were going to punch and kick you.
"X marks the spot," they said.
They recently added hair pulling to their arsenal, and headaches became your new best friend. The silver lining, however, is that they'd usually spend at least an hour on you, making sure you stayed sore until you saw them again. Luckily, this time it seemed they had somewhere to be, because you managed to get home almost a half an hour earlier than usual.

With a groan you sat up and walked into your bathroom, planning to wash off any blood that might've spilled, along with any leftover marker that didn't wash off when you first washed it off in the sink at school. A knock on the door stopped you.

"Hey Y/N! It's Asmo, I wanna show you something." You ran in front of the mirror to make sure you didn't look too bad, the quick glance told you it was fine.

"Come in!" Asmo let himself in and sat dramatically on your bed.

"You would not believe what that boy Pamion told me. I swear he knows everything. Here, I wrote it down, so I didn't forget." You sat down next to him and looked at what he was showing you. The screen was full of bullet pointed notes, highlights, the whole sha-bang. "So apparently, Belial bribed Ariton to take his test for him, but what he didn't know was-" You looked up from his phone to see him staring at you. Your heart started racing, but you kept quiet in case he just got distracted. Looking behind you, everything looked normal.

"What are you-" He grabbed your chin and made you look away. You mentally searched your body for what he could be looking at, but you didn't feel anything besides the mild humming of pain. Nothing felt different. He brought his other hand to the side of your head and swiped a thumb on your ear. He pulled his hand away and you noticed that there was blood on his thumb. You brought a hand to your ear, and your fingers were stained red when you looked at them. His eyes pierced in yours, still not saying anything. His eyebrows furrowed, and he took a few deep breaths.

"Who did this to you?"

"What makes you think someone did this to me?" There was no reason to make him worry about the bullies. You racked your brain for what else could make your ear bleed. An ear infection?

He cleaned the blood off his and your fingers before taking off your jacket for you. You tried to resist, but that was going to hurt more than you wanted. He rolled up the green uniform shirt you had on and revealed a few bruises.

"Call it a feeling. Who did this to you?" You bowed your head and started to explain what they had been doing to you. While you were talking, Asmo stood you up and walked you to the bathroom. Nodding and humming, he grabbed the first aid kit. The murderous look on his face only grew as you explained how they hit you, called you names, and just made your life a living hell.

"Okay, you're all patched up. Now, do me a favour and tell me all of their names again?"

"There's four of them. Merihem, Mania, Tunrida, and Bast." He worked through his DDD and you tried to look over his shoulder, but he pulled his phone away.

"It's a secret."

Your DDD pinged a few minutes later.

"There, my job here is done. Now Lucifer or Diavolo will deal with them. Hopefully Lucifer gets to deal with them. He's better with punishments."

On Devilgram, Asmo sent you a post by an anonymous tip account. It had everything you told Asmo, leaking everything the four of them did. It already had over a hundred likes, and Asmo's real account tagged Lucifer and Diavolo.

"That was... fast. And brutal." Lucifer had replied, telling them to meet him in his school office before school tomorrow. You winced thinking about what'll happen to them.

He smiled, "Of course, it was." His smile turned to a frown. "They hurt you. You are literally in pain because of them." His face switched again to the wide smile. "So now they will be in pain." He got up and gestured for you to follow him. "Speaking of pain, let's get you something for yours." You followed him to his room.

"How did you know?"

"Know...?" He spun his hands around, having already forgotten about literally sending four people to Lucifer's path of rage.

"About the bullies."

"Oh, it was in the notes Pamion gave me. It said you were limping the other day and Mania was talking about her 'little pet.' He said it lined up too well. Also, a limping human is never a good thing, so I was going to ask anyway." He grabbed some pain killers for you and a snack for him. "It's a shame really, Bast was really good in bed."

"You really are a whore you know that?" You laughed.

"But I'm a lovable whore." He cupped his face in his hands and smiled as big as he could.

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