Religious Part 1 (Scenario)

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The brothers meeting a religious family
Requested by Blank_Bowchild

a/n- I'm going to assume you two are a long-term unbreakable thing, because otherwise you might just give fake names and press lol. Every one of the brothers has different parent types and reactions, because I couldn't choose one. Also, this will be in two parts because this got LONG. Forewarning, there's a lot of specific names. F/N= father's name M/N= mother's name.

You knocked on the door to your parents' house. Lucifer grabbed your hand and squeezed. He knew how religious your family is, and how big a decision it was to tell them the truth. Your mother opened the door, "Oh, hey Y/N, baby! I haven't seen you in so long! F/N, Y/N's here!" It took her a second to notice the looming figure behind you. When she did, she gasped. "Did you finally bring someone home? Hi, I'm M/N, nice to meet you." "Hello Mrs. L/N. I'm-" "My boyfriend. Can we come in?" You cut him off. Your mother let you two in and everyone met in the living room. "Young man, what's your name?" Your father asked. Lucifer looked at you for a second before stating pridefully. "Lucifer." Your mother's hand went to her chest, which happened to have a cross necklace laying on it. "Your mother must've hated you then." Your father tried to ease the thick tension in the room. "Before you jump to any hasty explanations, I should explain the... situation." You slowly and carefully explained where you went for a year and how much you loved Lucifer. The demon in question practically stared down your parents, which you knew was in anticipation for their reactions, but looked like a challenge to your parents. You had to nudge him in the knee to get him to stop. Your mother almost fainted, but you kept explaining a new thing every second. Your father was silent until you finished. "I'm going to need some proof. And some questions answered after that proof." As proof, Lucifer changed into his demon form, careful not to knock over the knick-knacks on the mantel, which was a depiction of Christmas. Your mother squealed at the sight. Lucifer looked happy at the sight of your parents in shock of his wings and horns. After a long night of questions and convincing them that Lucifer wasn't going to eat your soul, they accepted the fact that you were in love with a demon. Your mother may or may not have tried to poor some holy water on him at some point.

Mammon- TW explosive parent
He was almost bouncing in his seat. You two had gotten past the front door, but your father had already started the normal boyfriend interrogation tactics. "Where did you go to school?" "The same academy as them, RAD." He pointed at you of course. "Do you have a job?" "I am regularly hired to do modelling gigs for a popular magazine." You had told him not to say any Devildom/demon specific things until you broke the situation to your parents, and for once, he seemed to be following directions to a T. "Honey, settle down, we don't even know the poor boy's name," your mother piped up from the couch in front of you. "Now, please don't say anything yet, but his name is Mammon, and no, not out of spite." Your father's face turned to anger. You could practically see the vein bulge out of his forehead. You tried to explain the Devildom situation, but you father got up and walked over to you. He grabbed your arm and would've dragged you away if it weren't for Mammon. On the way, you had an escape plan in case things turned sour, and he instigated step 1. He grabbed your hand and snatched you away from you father and ran to other side of the room. He ran at demon speed, so your father only got madder. Your mother tried to grab his hand and try to calm him down, but he pulled away and started yelling horrible things and you and your boyfriend. Unrepeatable things. You pulled yourself closer to Mammon and looked at him. He looked at you with tears in his eyes, then he picked you up and ran out of the house. He was out of sorts for days after that, and anytime someone brought it up, it hit a chord and he got upset all over again.

Your father opened the door and welcomed the two of you inside. No words were exchanged, but no one seemed unhappy. You all sat down in the living room and you started to talk. "Hi, long time no see... anyways, this is my boyfriend. But before I tell you his name, we are going to have to tell you a lot of backstory." Instead of you explaining the story, Satan helped fill in details that you forgot. When you first mentioned demons, your mother's eyes glossed over, and she went into a daze. It took a couple tries to get her back into the conversation. Your father started to stare down Satan when you mentioned he was a demon, but Satan had enough of a head to not challenge him further. "And now to his name, Mom, Dad, this is Satan, the Avatar of Wrath." You braced yourself for their reaction. "Are you educated?" Your father's question lifted Satan's hopes almost to the Celestial Realm. "Yes, sir. I take pride in my amount of knowledge." Not quite satisfied with his answer, your dad continued to ask him questions. "What do you like to learn about the most?" "I enjoy history and language studies." Your mother pulled you to the side to talk to you about more relationship focused things. "Is he treating you all right? You can tell me if he's hurting you. Does he make you happy?" It took a long time for all their questions to be answered, but eventually your father took a liking to your boyfriend, and your mother stopped worrying as much.

Asmo walked into your parents' house with style, of course. Your mother's mouth dropped at the sight of such a pretty man. "Hi, I'm Asmodeus, Y/N's boyfriend, nice to meet you." His name brought her out of her shock and your father into the room. "Like, the demon?" "We should sit down for this." You guided them to sit down and started to explain what happened. "And Asmo here is the Avatar of Lust, the twins-" "Lust?!" Your mother blurted out. Your father's eyes widened in realization. "...Yes, is that an issue?" "So did you guys..." "F/N!" Your mother snapped at your father while you felt the blood rushing to your face. You looked at your boyfriend in horror. He looked lost in thought, most likely remembering what happened last night. The smile on his face faltered when your mother started on the premarital sex talk and how it was a sin. She promptly kicked you both out of the house for laughing at "a very important matter, one not to be laughed about." He may have looked like it didn't matter to him, but when he kissed you when you two got in the car, it was bittersweet.

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