Chapstick ❤️Beel x Reader❤️

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Humming the random song stuck in your head that morning, you put on some chapstick. Asmo lent it to you, saying he hated this flavour, and this one just so happened to be your favourite.

"Hey cupcake, whatcha doing?" Your boyfriend Beel walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Nothing yet. Did you want to do something?"

He snuggled his head into your shoulder,"Just cuddle." You laugh at his cuteness and close the tube of chapstick.

The click caught his attention and he looked up. "Hmm, what flavour is that?" "It's f/f. If I let you try it, do you promise not to eat the whole tube?"

He held up a pinkie finger, "Pinkie promise, but I don't need to." You turned towards him confused, and he took the opportunity to kiss you lightly on the lips.

Your brain stopped functioning for a second, and he kissed you again, this time a little harder. When he pulled away, he showed a goofy smile and said, "It really does taste like f/f. I like it. Now it's cuddle time."

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