Studying ❤️Satan x Reader❤️

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a/n-thanks again to EmmaLovesToRead05 for keeping my writers block away <3
i tried rewriting this a lot and i'm still not quite happy with it but here we are 🙃
i also feel i should put the prompt so this feels less confusing: "a satan x reader fluff where satan is teaching mc how to read because they never got the proper help for it"

"Y/N, I've talked to you about this before, you really need to ask someone for help if you keep having this much trouble in so many classes." You braced yourself for Lucifer to list all the classes you were failing right now, just like the last time. 

"There's both Realm and Human history...." Your head hung low, waiting for him to finish. You couldn't even defend yourself, not in front of a man who read for fun. Not when reading was a puzzle every time you looked at the shapes. You couldn't tell him that you were more fluent in Runes than in English.

"Do you understand? Please ask one of us. I know I'm too busy to help all of the time, but there's more people you could ask." You finally looked up to see Lucifer's face didn't match his voice. A worried voice did not match the slightly disappointed face. You nodded and tried to turn and walk away. 

Tried being the key word. A step and a half later and you were already face to face with another brother. You almost rolled your eyes to see the other major reader in the house. An arm blocked you from going around him.

"What was Lucifer talking to you about?"

"Nothing," you tried to brush him off.

"Well it was obviously not nothing if you're this mad, please tell me?"

You were worn out as it is. Dealing with Lucifer put a strain on anyone. There were two options, tell him and get another school lecture, or beat around the bush long enough for him to go away. Option two it is.

"Just normal Lucifer complaining," not completely untrue.

"Oh that reminds me, the next Anti-Lucifer meeting is tomorrow, I'm hoping we can try out a new spell I found yesterday..."

Yes! It worked.

"But, you know what we could do? Make the prank ironic by relating it to what he talked to you about, so what was it exactly?"

...Or not.

You sighed, already giving up, there wasn't enough energy in the world to deal with these demons. "Just about my grades."

Satan put a hand up to his chin to think. If one more person told you that you needed to fix your school situation you might hurt them, demon or not, you thought to yourself.

"Now, I don't usually want to listen to Lucifer, but your grades are very important. I could help?"

"I don't need any help. I'll fix it myself." You were past worn out now, fuming was a better word. Your tongue ran away from you, "Unless you could magically teach me how to read, I don't want anything to do with you!" Satan was stunned enough by your outburst to let you pass, and you were close to stomping back to your room.

After slamming your door, you decided to put your anger to use by burning it out by trying to do your homework. Was it the smartest idea? No, not at all, but it was something.

You pulled the Realm History book out of its pile and turned to the right page. That was the easy part...
By the time you finished the page, your back, eyes, head and hands hurt. Why you picked the hardest subject was beyond you. You knew that you couldn't tell the difference between demonic names, angelic places and English words.

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