Let's Meet! ❤️Mammon x Reader❤️

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Request for Yuii00123

"Mammon and MC are in a relationship so they take Mammon to meet their little tomboy (overprotective) sis!"


a/n I picture the sister as maybe 14-16. Hopefully that's alright because I wrote like ¾ of the story before I realised I didn't know lol.
Thank you so much for requesting this ❤️ sorry for the wait
S/N = sister's name


You and Mammon were laying down scrolling on your DDDs waiting for your sister to text you. You've wanted her to meet Mammon since you to started being serious a while ago. Mammon tried not to act nervous, but you noticed he couldn't focus on whatever he was scrolling through.

"Hey babe, you've stared at the ceiling for like five minutes."

"No I'm not! It's just... interesting up there. Needs investigatin'."

"Uh huh, yeah. You don't have to worry, she'll love you."

"Of course she'll like me, I'm THE Great Mammon. But...I'm only wondering... what if she can't handle my awesomeness?" Your phone went off before you could answer.

"Speak of the devil- she said we can go anytime." You texted her back to show you got the message.

Mammon stood and pulled you with him. He didn't let go of your hand until Lucifer closed the portal behind you. In front of you was your parents' house, where your sister lived. Your parents had already met Mammon, so they left for the day. Mammon squeezed your hand one more time and let go of it. You went up to the front door to knock, but before you could walk all the way up, you saw a pair of eyes peeking out of a window. They noticed you and darted away. You laughed and ran up to the door, trying to beat your sister to the door. She still beat you and the door to her laughing and out of breath.

"I almost got here in time!" You exclaimed, also out of breath.

"Nope, your still just as slow as when you left." She turned her attention to Mammon. "Hello, I'm S/N. And you're Mammon. Someone's boyfriend." She gave both of you a good glare before walking back into the house.

"See? She hasn't tackled you yet. That's a good sign." You whispered in Mammon's ear before following S/N. He rolled his eyes and closed the door behind you all.

Your sister walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple to munch on. You and Mammon sat at the table. She walked over to Mammon and gave him a not-so-quick look over. After a few bites, she nodded, "He looks like a scumbag."

"Hey! Don't you know who you're talkin' to?"

She rolled her eyes at him, "Yeah, the second oldest, Avatar of Greed demon who's a scumbag. At least, that's what Y/N told me." She shrugged and left you to clean up the mess she just made.

"Wait, you told her what?" Mammon looked at you with a pouty face. You couldn't tell if it was playful or real hurt.

"If I ever told her that, it was before we were dating, when you kinda were... but that's not the point." You waved your hands around and tried to dig yourself out of the hole your sister dug you into. You looked back at the little shit and she was sitting backwards on a chair, happily munching away at her apple. Looking back at Mammon, he was just staring at S/N with a dumbfounded look.

You poked his arm, "You don't have to look like she killed your puppy, babe." He shook his head and put his head in his hands.

"Well, he didn't hit you. And he didn't yell at you. I like him." You spun your head back at your sister, almost giving yourself whiplash.

"You did that only so you could make sure he wasn't going to hit me? That was your master plan?" She nodded her head and stood up.

"It worked didn't it?" She went to the trash to throw her apple core away.

"I could have just told you that."

"SLAM DUNK!" She threw the core into the trash hard enough to make it sway back and forth.

"But is that more fun?" Mammon was still having his existential crisis. Your sister noticed and before you could fix your boyfriend she jumped up and landed on his back. He grunted at the sudden weight but recovered before she could slide off. He stood up and hooked his hands under her legs. Her arms wrapped around his neck and they both erupted into giggles. Mammon nodded towards the door leading to the backyard and you stood up and opened the back door. Mammon ran at almost super speed into the backyard and ran in circles. Your sister laughed the entire time. After a minute Mammon put her down next to you and she fell to the floor from dizziness.

"You aren't gonna puke on me like Y/N did, are ya?" Mammon stood with his hands on his hips, proud of himself.

She looked up at your general direction, her head still moving from the ride, and exclaimed, "You puked on him? You have to tell me the whole story."

You slapped your forehead, "Or I could not?"

Mammon came up next to you, puppy eyes in full effect. "Or you could tell her, it's funny!"

After a few hours of funny stories, laughing, and dinner, it was time for you and Mammon to head back to the House of Lamentation.

"Thank you for letting me torment you boyfriend." Your sister said as she walked you to the door.

"No problem. You can torment him with memes now that you have his DDD number too." You ruffled her hair.

"I guess it was nice to meet you too, twerp." Mammon rolled his eyes and held out his fist. S/N made a big show of doing a slow-motion fist bump, including an explosion at the end. When you were finally ready to leave, you texted Lucifer and a portal opened in the doorway of the house. One last wave and you went back to the Devildom.

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