How they act around children Headcannon

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If its just a random kid on the street looking for their parents, he would just ask them who they were, find their parents, and leave. No baby voice or anything. But if it's someone he's known for a while, or a baby relative of Diavolo's (which are probably one in the same) The manliest baby voice you've ever heard. It's not high pitched, but there still the baby talk words. If the kid is older, he would definitely talk to them like an adult. "Little man, come over here." "Princess, come see this." If you see him doing anything more than that, you didn't.


If it's a kid on the street, he'll play superhero to find their parents. If it's a kid he's known for a while, he'll steal them to make some money, He wouldn't sell them, but maybe someone needs a kid for a photoshoot. Or maybe the kid could sneak around and grab something for him to sell. Full on baby voice man. He knows when and ow to use it so they can be giggling all the time. No one knows how he knows, but he's a natural.


Levi would just sit with the kid until their parents find them. Maybe if he cared enough, he could find out where they are on the internet and/or call them. (because he's a genius) If its someone he's known, he knows he can just hide in his room and they will find him eventually. He'll switch to non-scary games on those days so if they do walk in, no one's head will pop off. He just talks to them like he would anyone else. His rants wouldn't be any more understandable in baby talk.


"If those grubby fingers touch my book again, I'll cut them off." New kids are disgusting to him. Unless the kid is in active danger, he'll walk past them. But if he knows the kid, the kid knows not to touch his books with dirty hands. He'll read to them all the time, and do the same nicknames as Lucifer, but not when he's in the room. He's the one they go to when they are tired but can't sleep, because Belphie will just tell them to try, and Satan has twenty books and warm milk ready for them.


He won't be the first to help the kid, but he wouldn't walk past them. If he has time and not too many shopping bags, he'll help them. If the kid is comfortable, fashion shows. He has an entire closet ready for them and they will have a fashion show at the drop of a hat. You can tell when they've seen Asmo recently, because they will look like they walked out of a photoshoot. He'll talk their ear off, but not in his baby voice.


He'll think he might hurt them, so he'll try not to get too close. He's the first person to help a lost child and will find their parents the fastest. While they are waiting/looking, he'll offer them some candy, but then realize kids aren't supposed to take candy from strangers. If he knows them, he just sits around them, making sure they are safe. He'll force Belphie to play with him and the kid, he is a pro at playing house. He won't speak in baby talk, but he won't use big words like Asmo would.


He hates kids, unless they are his own. He'll leave a kid to die, no doubt. If he knows them and they aren't his own, he'll sleep until they leave him alone. If you're lucky he'll use them as a stuffie. Beel drags him to play house sometimes, but he says he's the dad and he going to take a nap. Now if their his, pride is out the window. He'll baby talk all day if he could. He would train them on how to piss off Lucifer.

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