Sleepless ❤️Mammon x Reader❤️

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a/n - you must be a very lucky duck because after almost a month of not writing i see a request any write the whole thing in an hour and a half :)
so extra special thank you to EmmaLovesToRead05 for requesting this

You curled up in your bed, a purple sheep tucked between your arms. Your blanket kept just the bite of the cold off, keeping the temperature perfect for sleeping. You were even wearing your favourite pyjamas, so why was it so hard to fall asleep?

You rolled to your other side, hoping it would fix whatever issue your brain had with sleeping. No dice. Turning your pillow to the cold side didn't even help. You finally gave up and sat upright in your bed. You stared at the wall with your hands buried in the sheep. The sheep's soft curls wrapped around your fingers. Finally, you decided sleep wasn't coming. Getting up was almost not worth it, with the coldness shaking any sleep that might've been in your bones away.

What do normal people do when they can't sleep? Well, Mammon bothers you, Belphie bothers you... There was a pattern. You sighed and walked out of your room and down the hall. The carpet warmed you more the cold wood from your room. Eventually, you ended up at a balcony. The moon wasn't visible when you looked up; the clouds blocking the view.

The uncomfortable feeling from your bed had followed you through the halls, only intensifying as you leaned against the railing. You sunk your head into the giant sheep plush you brought with you. A sound from below you brought your attention away.

You had no idea how much time had passed, since you had let your mind wander while you hugged the sheep. So seeing two people staring up at you was a little offputting. You opened your mouth to ask them who they were when one grew wings. You backed away from the ledge, not recongising the shape. You had taken barely two steps when the person with the wings appeared in front of you.

"Who are you?" you finally managed to speak.

"I'm going to ask you the same thing, just to make sure I have the right person." A woman's voice came from the person, one you still couldn't see properly. Her voice was dripping with mallace. "But I'm not going to hurt you."

A loud laugh came from below; the other person. A male's laugh. Well then that was a lie.

Your feet reacted before your mind did, turning around and making a run for the door. You dropped the sheep plush, opting for another hand to open the door. You tried and tried and tried but you must've accidentally locked yourslef out. You turned back around and saw that the woman hadn't moved.

"It's always so fun to watch humans think they have a way out, it's like a trapped little mouse." She turned her head behind her, "Right?" A clawed hand grasped the ladge you had just been holding onto.

"You're absolutely right." The man pulled himself all the way up, brushing some dirt of his hands, "Now, since running means you can't fight us, this means you're human."

"Which means we can kill you." You could feel them start to smile, even without being able to see their faces.

Finally, you made the best decision you've had all night, you screamed.

"Screaming? Such a human thing to do." The man finally ran towards you and you ducked. His fist broke a hole through the door. The door that lead straight into the hallway. You screamed again, hoping to catch any of the brothers attention. The woman growled and ran towards you, only to be pushed back and to the ground. So many things happened at once, making you close your eyes. A good decision since the door behind you shattered into a million pieces. A few curse words and grunts later, you opened your eyes to Mammon in his demon form holding the woman by her wings and the man by his throat.

"You two are even stupider than my brothers think I am. Do you even know who all lives here? Y'all have a death wish or something?" He knocked the two of theirs heads together and let them fall all the way to the ground. Mammon turned back to you and gave you a thumbs up, "See? I've got you covered. Since it's my duty to protect you and all." You sat where you were, just staring at Mammon.

The smile was wiped from his face as he bent down to your level. "Hey, you good?" He looked next to you, grabbed the sheep plush from the floor, and placed it in your hands. "You ain't hurt or nothin', right?" You slowly nodded, and watched as Mammon's face realaxed. "You had me worried for a second, with you staring off into space and stuff."

It took a second, but Lucifer walking onto to the balcony tore your eyes away from Mammon and the sheep plush. "Diavolo has the two of them now, thank you Mammon. Now, I have the choice of increasing our security to almost castle levels or thinning the walls..."

You finally spoke up, "What happened? Why are you here, Lucifer?"

"Well you seem to have an excelent pair of lungs so you woke both me and Mammon up, however the fact the it was only us two will need to be talked about... But nevertheless, when Mammon threw the two imps from the balcony I picked them off the ground and handed them over to Diavolo." You looked back over at Mammon who looked very proud of himself.

"Thank you so much, Mammon. Thank you, Lucifer." You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around Mammon's waist. Your chin rested on top of the sheep plush, and your forehead leaned on Mammon's chest. It didn't take any time for his arms to wrap back around you. After a moment he moved around so you were in his lap.

You didn't know how long you stayed like that, but it was long enough for you to finally fall asleep. Just before you fell all the way asleep, you heard a small, "Thank you for screaming."

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