Muffin? ❤️Mammon x Reader❤️

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Mammon stomped into the kitchen; way too chipper for 6 o'clock in the morning. "Hey! How's my human doing?"

You sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen with your drink of choice, "Your 'favourite human' is tired and wants to go back to sleep."

"Welp, I can't do anything about that." You looked up at him rummaging around in the cabinet. He popped up with a box of muffins. "Yes! Beel didn't eat them." He skipped over to the island and plopped the box down. "There's only two left too."
You nodded sleepily and took a sip of your drink. "You want the last muffin?"

You nodded, "Sure, if you're offering."

"You want the last muffin?" He repeated.

You looked at him confused, "Umm, yeah, I said sure."

"You want the last muffin?" He pulled out the two muffins and held them in front of him, examining them.

"Yes Mammon, I would like the last muffin." He glanced over at you and smirked.

"You want the last muffin?"

"YES." At this point you were fuming. It was too early in the morning to be dealing with his shenanigans.

"Will you go on a date with me?"

"YESS for the love of- wait."

He let out a loud laugh, "Yes! It worked." He jumped up and down, dancing with the muffins still in his hands.

You sat there for a moment with your mouth open until Mammon shoved the muffin in your mouth. "Maybe it's too early to truly appreciate the Great Mammon's awesomeness."

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