Wordless ❤️Beel x Reader x Belphie❤️

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this is also my entry for MysticLucy 's contest :)


You waited patiently in the living room, the TV acting as background noise. You stared at a wall as you thought.
Beel and Belphie should be getting home soon. Oh yeah, and the rest of them.

They all had to meet at RAD long after school hours for a student council meeting. It was already after regular dinner time and eating alone at the dining table was lonelier than usual. Without your boyfriends and the rest of the brothers the sound of your fork hitting the plate made your ears hurt.

You played with the tassels on the throw pillow in your lap and you looked around the room. With the oversized pillow you were playing with and the rest of the big furniture, you started to feel small. Not the good kind of small when you're hugging Beel, but the kind when you're standing next to a skyscraper. Even looking up at the stars with Belphie and talking about how far away they are felt bigger than this.

Curling into yourself, you tried focusing on the TV to get your mind off waiting. The slow-paced domestic scenes of the reality show were calming, but as soon as it switched to uninteresting commercials, you felt the size of them room get to you. You abandoned the living room, deciding to wait closer to the front door.

While there wasn't much better size-wise, being able to sit next to the window was better. Your eyes scanned the path leading up to the gate hoping to see bright orange hair. There was no way his twin would be visible over the bushes and trees surrounding the mansion, but Beel was much more likely.

Your thoughts started to wander into time-counting territory, threatening to watch the second hand of the grandfather clock move from one line to the next. Instead of looking you got up and headed into the kitchen.

You walked in, knowing full well that Beel wouldn't be there, but your chest tightened anyways. You only grabbed few cookies before wondering what to do next. You let your feet take you around the house, the rest of you just along for the ride. You walked through the planetarium door, the glowing orbs hanging from the ceiling being the only light source. You finished off the cookies while you scanned the room. The stars were softer than normal, not duller, but the faded edges seemed to take up more space.

You thoughtlessly walked to the centre of the room, eyes never leaving the stars. Your feet touched a heavy blanket, still there from the last time you were here. The blanket felt much more calming than the window when it draped over your shoulders. You craned your neck up to see as many stars as possible. Cancer, Orion, Carina, Lynx. You sought out each constellation. Even the ones you couldn't see from your hometown could be seen in the Devildom, some lines overlapping where a constellation shouldn't really fit. Belphie's voice named the stars, replacing your thoughts. The stories he told about them finally settled the tight feeling in your chest.

Eventually, watching the stars by looking straight up wore on your neck, almost forcing you to lie down. You did just that. The blanket fanned out around you, the tight-knit yarn covering most if not all of the floor. You mentally thanked Simeon again for the gift as you snuggled under it. The smells of lavender and cookies filled your nose. Your eyes scanned the stars from the top of your vision to the bottom; your eyes refusing to open again once they closed.


You tried rolling onto your side, light filtering through your eyelids. An arm around your waist tightened as you tried, a small hum accompanying it. You finally opened your eyes, hissing silently as the light burned your eyes. You looked over your shoulder to see Belphie nestled next to you. His school uniform was still on and his cow pillow was under your head instead of his. You looked around to find Beel, only seeing his uniform jacket hanging by the door.

You rolled the opposite way as before, ending up face to face with your sleeping boyfriend. Seeing him sleeping was no rare sight, but it always amazed you how peaceful his face looked while he slept. He laid without his usual glare, with only faded lines marking it had ever been there. His arm was curled into his own personal arm pillow, his finger tangled in his hair. You brought you hand up to move some strands of hair out of his eyes and a small smile brightened his face in his sleep. You laid there for a while, partly because of the sheer serenity of the situation, and partly because dreaming Belphie wouldn't let you move away.

It wasn't long before a sound came from the doorway, feet shuffling towards you. From your angle, you couldn't look up to see who it was, but the overwhelming smell of body wash told you who it was. The orange hair you were looking for last night moved behind Belphie, a granola bar in his mouth. A wide smile filled Beel's face when he realised you were awake. A towel was draped over his shoulders, catching the water dripping from his hair. His shirt littered with the drops that missed.

The granola bar was gone in a second. No words were spoken as Beel quickly dried off the rest of his hair and crawled behind you. The rough towel made his hair extra fluffy, tickling the back of your neck. Another arm draped around your waist as Beel made himself comfortable. He pressed a small kiss to the back of your neck, tucking his head in the crook your shoulder after. The salty smell of what he ate tickled your nose, making you scrunch up your nose.

All the moving must have woken up Belphie, because when you looked back at him his deep purple eyes stared lazily at you. You didn't know it was possible for him to move closer, but he did, pecking your lips once he got close enough. The comfortable warmth of the blanket and the two bodies lulled you back to sleep. The rest of world could wait.


a/n - guess who's back :) my writers block finally left me alone for a while, so things will be coming out faster. i have a request that i feel REALLY bad for not putting out first, but it needs a little more work before i'm happy with it. I wrote this yesterday for the twins b-day but fell asleep before i could post it 😅 i hope you enjoyed!

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