He's gone

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Requested: no one

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Plot: leaving and never returning back and also forgetting everyone

Request are still open don't be shy to request at all

"were over"

That's The only thing that keeps on repeating inside Bryan's head as he cry on his bed earlier that day Inpu broke up with him because he never loves him everyone took along Inpu's side and blamed him why Inpu broke up with him because he couldn't be a good boyfriend

Everyone took Inpu's side expect his sister Bri, four of his best friends which are Dranne, Jyles, Momiji and River, and his kid Ricarro everyone blamed him has he remembered the same thing that happened to him after Mario defeated the Seductive rose they blamed him for it they blamed him for everything and now they're doing it all again

'why do they always blame me?' Bryan thought crying more in his pillow

'I gave Inpu everything I did everything to make him happy I gave Inpu my heart' Bryan thought continuing to cry

'why can't I just be gone!' Bryan then opened his eyes they were wide then he seated up

'that's it I could do that after all they won't even miss me!' Bryan smiled wiping his tears and liking the idea

'I should have thought that a long time ago' Bryan thought still smiling and is completely sure about the idea he had

Bryan then looked at the window seeing it's still very late then he nodded 'right if I want to do it I should start now'

With that though Bryan left his bed and leave the room to do the idea he have


The next day came Bri, Dranne, Jyles, Momiji, River, and Ricarro came to the minor to try make Bryan forget everything and cheer him up

Yesterday they where so angry and pissed they confronted the other campers and told them what have Bryan did to all of them all of the nicest and generous things Bryan did and everything that have happened to him in the past the other campers felt guilty for blaming Bryan after everything he have done and sacrifice for them but the gang didn't stop they continue to tell the other campers every nicest and generous things Bryan have done they only stop when the other campers started to cry

When the gang got to the minor they went in and never saw Bryan which made them a little bit worried considering Bryan would always be in the throne room when anyone visited him they split up and look around but they never found Bryan at all making them more worried the last room they haven't check is the office room they hope Bryan would be there

When they got there Bryan wasn't they're making them all completely worried then they spotted a note on the desk Bri picked it up and saw the hand written was Bryan so she decided to read it out loud

Hey gang I know all of you are are worried for me because none of you ever spotted me in any room of the minor but I'm okay and sorry for making all of you worried

The reason I'm not in the minor is because I left earlier this day yup gang you heard me I left I'm not returning back to camp Oasis ever again and that's my final decision

Yesterday night when I was crying myself to sleep I got an idea which is to left camp and never return it might be the most amazing idea I ever liked because I couldn't stand the camp anymore if what happened last year is just going to repeat which is them blaming me for everything I would rather leave the place

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