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Requested: no one

Ship: none

Plot: Glitch ruler AU

This oneshot was inspired by an rp me and my twin did earlier and I'm sorry if it's short, I'm also currently working on another oneshot and I'm hoping to finish it soon for you guys


"what will be the answer~ gave up or die~" Glitchtrap stated looking down at everyone who where badly injured "does this remind any of you~" Glitchtrap added

They all look at him with fear and anger mostly the old ones who have faced Glitchtrap before, especially Bryan who was being covered by Steve and some of the glamrocks as he hold his shoulder trying to put pressure to stop the bleeding

"enough with this Glitchtrap!!" Molten shouted ready to pounce at him again and this time making sure he does die

"I won't be to cocky if I where you I do have some help here with me~" Glitchtrap said then showed the animatronics he was able to control "and you don't want them getting badly damage now do you~" Glitchtrap added

No one made a move preparing to deal with whatever Glitchtrap going to do as he looks at them above smiling evilly

"well I won-"


A voice was heard as Glitchtrap soon become pail and scared while cursing underneath his breath, the others look at where the new voice was to found a person looking very, very angry

A voice was heard as Glitchtrap soon become pail and scared while cursing underneath his breath, the others look at where the new voice was to found a person looking very, very angry

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(To lazy to gave the description off)

"what did I say about terrorizing and damaging a dimension!!?" ??? shouted going to Glitchtrap more like stumping over to him as he became more scared

"n-not to" Glitchtrap stuttered out fear clearly on his tone making the rest curious and surprised Glitchtrap can get scared of by someone

"w-who is she?....." Pat whispered looking at the girl

"whoever she is, she's scaring Glitchtrap and making him fear her" Freddy said looking at Glitchtrap as he coward away

"and what did you do?....." ??? asked narrowing they're eyes

"I-I terrorize and damage a dimension....." Glitchtrap answered getting more scared "p-please your highness have mercy!!" Glitchtrap added kneeling down begging

And this shock them more, Glitchtrap referring to her as highness? And begging for mercy? Never had it been like this and to witness it

"and why should I gave you mercy!? After you broke the rules on being what a glitch should be!!" ??? stated glaring at Glitchtrap "that's it Glitchtrap your going back to train on how to become a proper glitch!!" ??? added opening up a portal

"please your highness!! I'll change I promise!" Glitchtrap beg

"damn wish we have popcorn" Shadow Bonnie said feeling satisfied with what his seeing

"mhmm I agree" Glamrock Bonnie said looking at Glitchtrap

"no!! You have your chances Glitchtrap but you wasted it!! Your going back to training!" ??? shouted picking Glitchtrap up and throwing him through the portal as he screamed "no"

The animatronics that where controlled by Glitchtrap snap and found themselves in an unknown area with the rest and with the unknown girl

??? turned around to face them before bowing "my apologies, I will pay for all the damage that Glitchtrap have caused" ??? said

"who are you?" Bryan asked going forward to her

"my name is Glitch Crystall but call me Crystall" the who was now named Crystall said introducing herself

"are you related to Glitchtrap....." Lilbit asked getting cautious

"do not worry I am not related to Glitchtrap and I'm not here to harm any of you" Crystall states trying to reassure them

"then why did you have somewhat similar names? And why he called you "your highness"? Why do he seems to fear you as well?" Steve asked holding Bryan

"for us having similar names is because I too a glitch, do not panic I'm a good glitch, reasons why he called me "your highness" and scared of me it's because I'm the ruler of the glitches" Crystall explained shocking them

Never have they heard off about a ruler to all glitches, they never really expect to learn and find out about they're being more glitches and them having a ruler, but it do explains why Glitchtrap did all those stuff

"your a ruler of the glitches?" Molten asked looking at Crystall skeptical

"indeed, it is my job to make sure every glitch are doing they're job on keeping watch and protecting each individual dimensions and reporting back to me instead of doing the opposite" Crystall explained, this confused them on what she said about

"as a glitch they are assigned to keep tabs on the dimension they're assigned to, and make sure to protect and keep it safe, if they're evey something that is important they need to inform me about it, but since the past ruler before me did a horrible Job some of the glitches become evil and do the opposite of they're job, that's why I swear to change them starting from training them all again for them to become a good glitch" Crystall added explaining more as they nod

"what about Glitchtrap?" Bryan asked

"don't worry about him I will currently sent him to the training area for him to change and be a good glitch if it doesn't work he'll be staying they're until he does change and become good" Crystall said answering Bryan's question who nodded

"I must be going now as I still have matters to attend to, and work to finish, I'll still be paying for the damage Glitchtrap have done, but I do hope to meet you all again but in a more better condition, goodbye" Crystall said before entering a portal she created leaving the rest they're to stand

After a while processing what happened they all left the area with memories about the girl and some very, very useful information regardless about Glitchtrap, glitches, and they're apparently ruler, but they do hope someday to meet her again as she seems a nice person to hang around with


A hologram appeared showing a person

"how being a ruler they're twin?" ??? asked

"could be worse, stop Glitchtrap from terrorizing and damaging a dimension once again my dear twin Angie" Crystall sigh ignoring the cries and begging of Glitchtrap

"oof- rip, this is like his fourth or fifth don't know lost count" the person who was now named Angie said

"mhmm I'm making him go through training again for him to change" Crystall said Angie nodded

"that's good, last time he almost killed me and Ink" Angie said shivering from the memory of almost dying

"I know, and I'm still very angry at him for doing that that's why his training will be very hard and painful" Crystall stated "I better go now see you later twin" Crystall added waving goodbye

"bye twin see ya" Angie said waving goodbye as well as the hologram disappear

"I'm sorry your highness!!!"

"shut it Glitchtrap! Your still going to the training area to learn whether you like it or not!!"

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