After all she is the true writer and reader of the story

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Plot: read to find out

I just want to say this isn't part of the story in my book "I'm the new mother of the creepypasta" this is just something I come up with while there's no power in my and my family house since we randomly lost power so hope you enjoy reading this


Bryan sob in his room inside the creepypasta mansion as he have thoughts that are horrible, while his kids bang in his door begging they're mom to open the door for them, as they want to comfort they're mom and tell them everything will be fine

"mom please open the door where here for you!" Jeff shouted one of the people who where banging the door

"please kids I just wanna be alone for a while" Bryan said his throat hurting from crying

His kids granted his wish and left him to go to they're father figure Slendy and asked him what's even going with his brothers, but before going they said "mom you don't have to deal with this alone where here for you just like your they're for us" then they completely left some where crying some where about to cry

Bryan smile a little but soon drop and started crying again, everything was okay in the beginning as he and his kids become part of another family that also went through the same thing they did or experience what happened to them, and helped him by putting and fixing him again

But as the days past by weird and horrible things started happening, the first was that his two kids Molten and Lefty where almost destroyed to the point they where almost unfixable, and he was left in the park being called horrible things and hurting him physically as, Jon and Helpy tried they're best to help him out

And his kids weren't able to even teleport to him as something was preventing them to even teleport to him or it would teleport them to random location, so they couldn't even comfort they're mom at all because of them not able to teleport

Then the portals in the Films mansion where acting up and some just randomly closed without even his command to close, making some of his kids trap in they're home dimension and one of them where Flame

Who was going to collect one specific ingredient for a dish they're mom was making but didn't have it, so Flame decided to go to his dimension since the ingredient they're mom need is at his, despite of not really wanting to go back because of his ex-boyfriend and ex-guild mate, and he also miss his other family that is his brothers

So when Flame was about to leave the portal closed up making him confused so he used his necklace to talk to his mom and asked why he closed the portal, and made Bryan confused and he said that he didn't making Flame more confused, soon the others called and asked they're mom the same thing Flame said

This eventually lead to Bryan not getting enough sleep just to find another way to create or open up a portal, since he know Flame hated his home dimension so much  and if they found out he returned back, they're probably try everything to make him stay and don't leave

Bryan did succeeded on opening up a portal for them, and he did just in time since Flame might end up really starting that forest fire his ex-guild mate accused him for, since they keep on literally returning to forest where the portal closed to just convince him to stay, they even sometimes tried to take Flame and bring him back to the guild, but he always leave before they could see if his awake or talk to him

But even so he succeeded it had a big down side he was only able to make it stay for a few minutes and it basically drained him, and since he didn't get enough sleep he collapse and was unconscious for a week

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