I'll forever be there for you love(My R)

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Requested: Bubblespop2007

Ship: Bryan x Molten

Plot: Bryan is tired from everyone's backtalk (except for Lefty) one night he went to the top of the roof to the hotel standing on the edge. Molten sees Bryan, runs to the top and tries to persuade  Bryan to not jump, Bryan jumps but Molten manages to catch him in time and he holds Bryan tight. Molten repeatedly tells Bryan how much he cares for him

Hope you like it I did change a bit of your summary to fit this chapter but overall all most of it are the one you told me


"why can't you do anything right Bryan"

"Jon's more of a better business owner than you"

"will be better off without you"

"your not even fit to be a CEO for the company"

"it was a good idea for Jon to take the CEO back caused you aren't fit to be one"

"maybe if you stop being childish and immature then you'll be a good business owner"

"you still haven't fix the problem about the Twisteds and this prove how a business owner you are"

"just for once stop being a bad business owner!"


Bryan cried as he sat on top of the roof of the hotel he wasn't having a good day and the animatronics just made it worse by saying horrible things, except for Lefty who was trying his best to help Bryan

He just really wanted to end it, just maybe if his dead everyone will be happy...... He'll be happy again seeing he couldn't smile anymore, a genuine smile to be exact

Bryan stop crying and stand up looking at the end of the roof, this brought back old memories of doing the exact same thing his thinking but instead of him it was other people doing it


Bryan was walking a flight of stairs going to a rooftop of a building to just end it

"just as I was about to take my shoes off"

"on the rooftop there I see"

"a girl with braided hair here before me

"despite myself, I go and scream"

When Bryan was about take off his shoes he saw a girl with a braided hair at the end of the roof holding the rail, without realizing he shouted

"hey don't do it please!"

The girl then looked at Bryan with teary eyes probably from crying before he arrive, then he realized what he just did

"whoa, wait a minute what did I just say?"

"I couldn't care less either way"

"to be honest I was somewhat pissed"

"this was an opportunity missed"

Bryan didn't know why he just said that, he shouldn't have care if the person in front of was about to end they're life, he was honestly kinda pissed since someone was here first before him and made him missed his opportunity

"the girl with braided hair told me her woes"

When Bryan look back at the braided girl she wipe her remaining tears then started talking

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