A forbidden love

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Requested: 22jksaraf

Ship: Bryan x Pat

Plot: a forbidden love between a human and a animatronic

I hope this is what you mean you actually didn't give me a specific plot so uhh I hope you like it and the picture above belongs to me and also everyone request are still open feel free to request

Everybody said a animatronic and a human can't be in a relationship or even in love with each other, they know animatronics are alive but there's one thing they didn't know is that some animatronics are being possess by a soul who probably got there body stuff inside one or were given another chance to live but as animatronics instead

But I can tell you two people prove that a animatronic and a human can be in a relationship and love each other


Bryan was at the backstage nervous because of his first time performing in front of kids when Pat announce his name in the speaker he breath in and out then walk to center of the stage

The Glamrocks decided to make him the main leader of the band considering his good at singing and adorable Freddy didn't mind at all he was actually happy Bryan become the new leader for there group

When he walk to center stage every kids was amazed at him and had stars in there eyes the adults were also amazed because they never see a animatronic like Bryan

"alright kids this is Glamrock Bryan his supposed to be the leader but he was offline for a very long time" Pat announced in the speaker

Kids started to cheer Bryan look back at the gang and they showed a reassuring smile Bryan smiled back and nodded and face the kids again

The music started and Bryan was now determined he can do it when he started singing the kids cheered even more


Pat was so focused on Bryan singing beautifully he wouldn't admit to anyone that he had a crush on Bryan because of what people say that it's forbidden to love a animatronic Pat frown on that thought

"so when will you going to tell Bryan you love him?" Jack asked

Jack another security guard at the place and was the only one that know Pat had a crush on an animatronic he found out because of Pat keep on staring at Bryan and was so focused on him and also because he kept on blushing if his with Bryan and he actually accepted it and also tease him about it some times

Pat got startled and jump a bit before turning around to face Jack "jesus christ Jack don't sneak up on me like that!" Pat shouted

Jack laugh a bit and shook his head "but seriously when will you confess to him about your love?" Jack asked

Pat composed himself and frowned "probably never after all it's forbidden to love an animatronic and Bryan might not like me back" Pat said looking down sad

"don't be like that Pat I'm sure he will like you back and don't listen to what others say" Jack said reassuring him

Pat smiled a little bit "thanks Jack I might tell him about my feelings maybe later" Pat said

"then go for it man I'm sure he would feel the same way like you do" Jack said giving Pat more courage

Pat nodded and couldn't wait for closing time to happen


It was closing time and Jack volunteered to clean while Pat was going to tell Bryan how he feel but in reality Jack was going to tell this to the other Glamrocks and maybe also get Freddy to pay him for the bet they had

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