(A/N) I won't be doing smut anymore (repost)

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Edit: this is a repost because it somehow become a draft and I don't know why and I legitimately didn't see it become drafted

I really just want to publish every chapter I created in this book and no this isn't a goodbye I'll still be making chapters

As the title say I won't be doing smut anymore and reasons are

The Origins crew are uncomfortable with it

And if they're ever uncomfortable about something I'll immediately take action and respect them, after all if they're uncomfortable with smut then I won't do or stop doing smut

Caused they don't want anyone to write smut about them I understand why, after all they're friends and are some in a relationship with each other

Even so they allow people to write ships or fan arts about them as long as it's not smut related stuff

And I'm sorry to everyone who have requested a smut shot and have been patiently waiting for me to publish it

I'm really deeply sorry I know you been waiting patiently for your requested smut shot and finding out I would not make smut shot anymore would trigger an emotion in you

After all I would have the emotion your feeling after finding out what you specifically requested won't have what you wanted it to have

And I know I might get hurtful or nasty things in the comments saying I made you wait and this what you will get

I know but if the Origins crew are uncomfortable then I will respect that, as you also should respect that they're uncomfortable with it

I will still be doing all the requested oneshots but I'm replacing the smut with fluff or angst or others, I will also be bringing the rule no smut back in the book

The chapter called "failed potion gone wrong" will be the first and last smut shot in this book

Before I leave, thank you Crystal_Afton for informing me about this that the Origins crew are uncomfortable with smut I really appreciate it

Once again I'm sorry for giving this information but I must do it so you all would know I won't be doing smut ever again, as I respect people's decision

Goodbye have at least a lovely day or night after you got this information from me

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