It's they're lost (part 2 of He's gone)

690 7 3

Requested: no one

Ship: none

Plot: guilt, sadness, and regrets

I'll be writing another one shot again then I'm going to continue working on "what's returning to camp oasis was my choice or it's the portal?" then once I'm finish with two more chapters to that book I'll be going back to "I'm the new mother of the creepypasta" and do three chapters they're since I still have writers block on the book "the rainbow siblings" anyway start the chapter

3 years

36 months

156.429 weeks

1095.003 days

That's how long Bryan and the gang left to go to another dimension without having any memories anymore about they're home dimension and while the other campers where trying to find a way to find them

The other campers have search and search not giving up on trying to find a way to go to the dimension where Bryan and the gang are, they wanted to make things right, they wanted them back, but most importantly they wanted to apologize to Bryan

Inpu have been staying in the minor not leaving it unless he needs to or when the rest of the campers need help on finding a portal to find the dimension Bryan and the gang went

Inpu have been crying in Bryan's bed ever since they found out he and the rest of the gang are gone, Inpu was heartbroken and when he realized this is what Bryan felt when he broke up with him it made it worse for Inpu

He never really realized until it was to late that Bryan was the one he truly love and he was stupid to let Bryan go or broke up with him, it really hit Inpu like a lightning, the only thing he had left to remember Bryan is his scent that is in his bed and the memories they had together

"Inpy are you they're?" Magnus asked going to the bedroom Inpu is

Magnus have been coming to the minor as well to check on Inpu to see if his eating at all, and hope Bryan and the gang returned, she miss Bryan as both of them where best friend until what they done

When Magnus entered the bedroom where Bryan and Inpu once stayed with each other she saw Inpu's back turned against her making her frown seeing Inpu never left the room

"Inpy......" Magnus trailed off still frowning

"what do you want Magnus" Inpu said trying to not sound rude to his younger sister while still not facing her

"Inpy we need you just like the rest of the campers Kay, Mario, and Xylo had something to say to all of us" Magnus said still looking at Inpu with a frown

"what do they want?" Inpu asked clearly not wanting to leave Bryan's bed

"they say it's something important and great news for us all, so please come on and let's go meet them" Magnus said pleading Inpu to come with her

"fine I'll go" Inpu said rising up and passing Magnus while saying "let's go"

Magnus nodded and they started to go back to camp where the rest are waiting for them


"what is it you want to talk about?" Inpu asked looking at Kay, Mario, and Xylo in the stage

"this is important Inpu and I'm sure all of you will be happy to hear it" Kay said looking at Inpu then looking at others

All of them stayed quiet waiting for Kay, Mario, and Xylo to say this important thing

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