What's the use of feeling blue?

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Requested: no one

Ship: Bryan x Slenderman (not anymore)

Plot: what if Bryan- [ERROR]

From my other book called "I'm the new mother of the creepypasta" enjoy the oneshot


It was quiet and the rain was pouring hard as the atmosphere was a gloomy and sadnesses, nothing was like this before but even so they would always be able to turn it around

"come on guys!"

"but Vile...."

"we at least gotta do something for dad!...."


"okay where in...."


"sing for dad?"

"it might make him feel better"

"okay then Vile"

They all look at Vile but not sure if singing to they're dad, Slenderman, will make him feel better after the recent events that have happened




"ah... Oh..."

They are now at the living room with they're dad sitting on the couch being gloomy and saddened still can't get over the event that happened, as Vile gesture to his younger siblings to start first







Slendy look at his kids as they started to sing while each of them in position, as the rain poured down to the ground

"why would you want to be here?"

"what do you ever see here?"

Vile started walking closer to they're dad making gesture on pointing the house..... The house of they're mom....

"that doesn't make you feel worse than you do"

"and tell me what the used of feeling blue?"

Slendy look confused on what Vile meant, then Jane step forward to her position while Vile returned to his position

"why would you want to employ his?"

"animatronics that destroyed him?"

Slendy flinched upon hearing those words, he remembered the promise he made with him before everything went down hill even if he doesn't want to

"why keep up his silly theme park?

"oh tell us what the use of feeling blue?"

Jane returned to her position, Slendy remained silent just looking at them, soon they all started singing together

"a proxies has a use they can go and fight a war"

"a AUs has a use they can tell you what it's for"

"the portals terrifies"

"a love is gone"

By now they have tears in the corner of they're eyes as they continue to sing to they're dad getting closer to him, as Slendy stay silent watching them

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