How we met

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Requested: (no one}

Ship: Bryan x Slenderman

Plot: How Bryan and Slendy met


"hey mom, dad can I ask a question?" Vicky said sitting at the ground then looked at Bryan and Slendy

"sure hunny" Bryan said sitting on the couch beside Slendy

"why does it seem like you and dad know each other a lot, have you both met before?" Vicky asked this cought her other siblings attention and also started asking the same question

Slendy hold up his hand indicating for them to stop while chuckling a little "well kids we did met each other in the past" Slendy said

And just because of that they all shouted "when?!!" while Bryan and Slendy chuckle and giggle

"it was when we were just little kids" Bryan said calmly

"yeah, and I still remember on how we met" Slendy said remembering how he and Bryan met

"how did you both met?!" they all asked

Bryan and Slendy looked at each other then smiled and started telling they're kids how they actually met "well-"


Bryan was just playing on the backyard when he got bored since his parents where having a urgent call from they're boss, so he decided to sneak out through one of the planks that is loss enough for him to crawl

He succeeded without being notice and went to the forest since they're house is literally close to a forest, while walking he heard rustling in the bushes which he walk slower and took cautious of his surroundings, perks of him watching defense and fighting shows secretly

On a corner of his eyes he saw a bush rustle so he took cautious and looked at the bush then saw a kid looking like each age, with black hair, black eyes, just right of skin color, and where wearing a gray t-shirt, black shorts, and black slippers

"who are you?" Bryan asked backing a bit from the bush as the kid stand up

"I'm Samuel, how about you?" the kid who was now named Samuel said brushing himself a bit

"I'm Bryan, but why where you doing earlier?" Bryan asked

"I was trying to see if I could come closer to you without being notice by you" Samuel said honestly

"that clearly didn't work, since I keep on hearing rustling" Bryan said

"oh dang I thought I could finally get someone" Samuel pouted

"maybe next time try not to make so much noise, or don't hide behind things that cause a lot of noises" Bryan said giggling a bit

"but still I might not get someone" Samuel said looking down

"I know you will don't worry" Bryan said trying to cheer up Samuel

"really?" Samuel asked hope in his eyes

"I know so, and maybe one day you might be able to sneak up behind me without me noticing you" Bryan said

"then I'll work hard to sneak up behind you without being notice by you" Samuel said throwing his hands in the air making Bryan giggle

"can I call you Sammy then?" Bryan said

"if your going to call me Sammy then I'm going to call you Bry-Bry" Samuel said

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