Home (part 2 of Into the unknown)

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Requested: CutieKiaraCat

Ship: Bryan x Mario

Plot: Back to the place once called home

Warning: A few cursed words are in this chapter

Welp here's the long waited part 2 of "Into the unknown" now I'm going to go and finish with part 3 of "He's gone" before going forward and continuing the rest of the oneshots

Art credit to @Misty_Kai for making this lovely art


Bryan just stand there unblinking and unmoving and just looking at the stuff he left after leaving, to shock and scared to be back home after everything that happened to him in this dimension

'no no no.....' Bryan thought as tears was forming in his eyes

'I can't be back! I never wanted to go back after what Mario did!' Bryan thought just continue to stare at his stuff

"Bryan!! How many times do we have to tell you to stop going to the portal!" Freddy shouted angrily as he jump out of the the portal along with the rest

But it turned into confusion when he looked at Bryan who was shock and about cry and not moving, and also the fact his half werewolf, the rest as looked confused on why Bryan was like that and why his a werewolf

"Bryan.......?" Lefty trailed off putting his hand on his shoulder

"I can't be back" Bryan immediately just said still looking at his stuff

"what do you mean you can't be back back" Molten said getting closer to Bryan

"this place, this is my home dimension" Bryan said looking at them as tears slowly fall down his face "that I never wanted to go back" Bryan added

"why don't you wanted to go back here bud?" Lefty asked as he comforted Bryan

"because someone from this dimension is the reason why I left" Bryan said hugging Lefty back as tears fall down his face "it drove me to the point to just leave and never return, if only I know this is the reason why I kept on returning back to the portal I would have ignore it" Bryan added

This made them felt guilty and protected wanting to know who would made Bryan leave his home dimension, and guilty for not believing him that the portal wants him to always enter and have a connection with it

"who made you leave" Freddy asked with venom in it clearly angry for this person

"my ex lover" Bryan said wiping away his tears, this also caught them off guard

"you have a lover?" Molten questioned still shock finding out about Bryan being in a relationship

"ex" Bryan corrected Molten "and he was the one who made me left for believing a lying brat" Bryan added

"can you explain to us what happened" Molten said Bryan nodded and started explaining

From how he have a amazing life to it turning into a living hell, from just a girl who came across they're pack who was a liar and a brat, who have lied to his lover and made Mario turn against himself, and started hurting him with everything while the rest of the pack can't do anything since his the Alpha, to him leaving and never returning back until now

By now the animatronics where furious and ready to murder Mario for what he have done to Bryan, to they're cinnamon roll/son, to they're owner, but most importantly to the person they care

"well then let's all go back now" Molten said facing the portal but it was off confusing him

"what the....." Molten trailed off looking at the turned off portal

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