The babies in black, white, and purple

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Requested: no one

Ship: none

Plot: Brypu fam x baby in yellow crossover

Don't question why I created this oneshot, blame my mind, it wanted me to create this


I don't know what I was thinking that day when it cross to my mind

It was just supposed to be another same day for me

But the only difference is I applied for a  babysitter job for fun

I would have never expect for my life to change for those nights staying in that place

If only I know I would have never applied for a babysitter job for fun

If only I know....

{Night 1}

A ding could be heard loudly in the hallway as the elevator door open then come out a person, Bryan Aphrodite, a young adult male who recently just applied for a babysitter job for fun

And to get his experience of taking care of his younger siblings in action, and an additional note that he likes kids and loves to take care of them

Bryan started walking and took a turn to the right, checking each of the door numbers to make sure he didn't miss the door number of where his going to babysit three kids probably no older than 1, babies to be exact

He just recently applied for a babysitter job for fun and to put his experience in action, he doesn't really know why he did it and that his earning pretty good money from his work anyway,  but his mind really told him to apply for it

Shaking those thoughts Bryan finally found the right door and knock on it then waited for the owner to open the door, noises could be heard on the opposite side of the door until a noise of a doorknob is being heard then the door opened

A young adult a bit taller than Bryan was the one on the other side of the door, they also look like they're a bit older than Bryan looking at him as they wait for him to say anything, Bryan smiled warmly and giving of a kind and calming aura

"hello I'm Bryan Aphrodite! The babysitter you hired Mr Inpu" Bryan said still keeping the smile on, the person who was now named Inpu smile back

"hello Bryan please just call me Inpu where only a few ages difference anyway" Inpu said making a few hand gestures, Bryan nodded

"oh okay Inpu" Bryan said

"anyway your just in time Bryan I need to leave now for work and I could have never been more happy to find a babysitter in time" Inpu stated blushing a little as he scratch the back of his neck

"it's nothing Inpu I like kids and taking care of them is fun" Bryan said smiling cheerfully

"here Bryan meet my kids" Inpu said then move so his now sideways while still holding the door

Bryan entered then saw three little ones sitting on they're own highchair looking at him, he just smiled closing his eyes then wave at them

"the one in the black baby clothes is Atlas" Inpu said pointing to the baby in black who stick they're tongue out making Bryan giggle

"the one in the white baby clothes is Femi" Inpu continued pointing to the baby in white who started babbling happily making Bryan cooed at the

"and last, the one in the purple baby clothes is Lotus" Inpu finished pointing to the baby in purple who started giggling

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