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Requested: Bubblespop2007

Ship: {Molten x Lefty x Werewolf Bryan}

Plot: It's Bryan's time of the month and he was currently looking for heat pills, but couldn't find any. What he didn't know was that during his search for heat pills, his scent were being released all over the park. Not everyone could tell, except for 2 animatronics in particular. When Lefty and Molten figured out that the smell was coming from Bryan, they decided to help him with his little problem...

Please don't mind the first part as I was sleep deprived when I did that, I just left it they're for you all to know what I write if I'm sleep deprived


The sun is rising the bird's are chirping, who am I kidding this isn't some fairytale where it start off like this, then in the middle something happened and in the end they got they're happy ending-


Bryan was having a beautiful dream but soon woke up from his alarm going off, reaching out for his alarm to turn it off before blinking a few times then getting up rubbing his eyes a bit before stretching up his ears twitching and tail wagging a bit

When he heard a small sound he stop and fixed his bed before getting his towel and going to the bathroom to take a bath still a bit sleepy, once finish he was fresh and wide awake ready to start the day

But even so he felt like his forgetting something, like something important that he needs to remember Bryan brushing it off and telling himself that he'll remember it later, went to the kitchen to make coffee as seeing he still have time before going to the theme

As his making coffee he felt his body temperature rise a bit which caught his attention immediately and thought that it was probably nothing, but his still trying to remember what he needs to remember seeing his mind is telling it's important

Unavailable to remember it Bryan finish drinking his coffee and went off not bothering to take his car key and decided to just walk they're, seeing he woke up very early as he also wanted to look around the place on foot

Walking out of the door locking it then closing before going off to the theme park on foot smiling thinking of what they can do or how the day going to be


Upon walking the street he seen people walking as well with different animal features, this is all normal as some people will have animal features while others will just be normal humans, they're is actually three ranks for the people who have animal features which are called hybrids

Omegas, they're the lowest of the rank as they are weak even so some omegas joined the army despite being the lowest of the rank and the weakest of the rank, they where also highly respected by the other ranks and humans not because they prove they can join an army despite being weak or the lowest

Is because of they're capability to heal, all the omegas have the ability to heal that's why most omegas get a job or study as Doctors, Nurses, Medics, and other medical jobs, but the down side is that they can't heal that much in all one go

If they did they will either passed out or die as they're healing ability requires them to gave some of they're life essence, in other for them to regain they're life essence back is to rest or gain energy before continuing to heal

Betas, the middle of the rank they are second in command from the ranking even so they act like nothing highly about themselves for being the middle of the ranking, they will just accept that they're a beta and nothing else they won't brag or be a show off

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