Memories (part 3 of He's gone)

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Requested: Jimmytringeling, CutieKiaraCat

Ship: (none)

Plot: Bryan and his gang remember they're memories and who the campers truly are

Well here it is part 3 of "He's gone" god this took me way longer than I thought and it's over 11k+ words hope you all like

If you want a part 4 give me a plot or summary for it

Also god it took me 20 minutes to find a photo to used and I'm not lying about it it took me 29 minutes to find a photo that least have or all them in

I'll edit this tommorow it's very late for me and I need to go to sleep


"this is the best birthday ever mom!!" Riccaro shouted raising both of his hands in the sky

While the rest chuckled and giggled seeing Riccaro be this happy on his birthday since they're celebrating his birthday on the theme park, because the past two years they celebrate his birthday only on the mansion before the animatronics found out what they truly are

"but it's not over yet bud we still have games to play, presents to open, and a cake to eat" Jyles said ruffling Riccaro's hair

"your uncle Jyles is right sweetie there's still a lot more to do on your birthday" Bryan said as he wipe Riccaro's face with a tissue

"and that cake you created Dranne that looks beautiful" Bri said complimenting Dranne

"why thank you Bri I decided to make the decoration us without the disguised since they won't suspect a thing" Dranne said eating his food

"we truly made the right decision to not leave or look for our home dimension since where all happy here" Momiji said looking at the rest

"it sure does, so maybe where we come from we hated that dimension that's why we left so we could be happy" River said

"your right uncle River since I have a feeling I hated our home dimension" Riccaro said they then nodded since they also have the feeling

"anyway why don't you eat your food Riccaro since where going to play games soon" Bryan said looking at Riccaro's

"okay mom!!" Riccaro shouted the started eating fast

The others chuckled and giggled and continued eating there's as well and continue talking to each other about random or happy things


"it hurts to see them so perfect like nothing even bad happened" Inpu said looking hurt as he look at Bryan

"Inpy........" Magnus trailed off putting her hand on Inpu's shoulder as he looked at Bryan and his gang hurt as well

"this is my fault I shouldn't have broken up with Bryan, he was the only person for me yet I let him go" Inpu stated tears forming on his eyes the other campers took pity and also feel guilty for they're actions on what they did that day

"Inpy this isn't just your fault this is also our fault, we also didn't realize how Bryan meant to us" Marnus said looking at other campers who nodded agreeing

"but it is Magnus!" Inpu shouted only they could hear "I was a fool to break up with Bryan, everytime I remember the day I broke up with him I always question why did I even break up with him in the first place!" Inpu continued to shout tears falling down his face

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