Security breach (1/???)

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Plot: this doesn't have a plot, I think? This was inspired and is basically just the different endings of security breach with me adding some different things and turning it a bit different, this will have multiple parts as I'm doing two endings in different chapters don't worry it will have labels on what ending it is

Also this contains child (y/n) and my first time writing one so hope you enjoy it, still about thefamousfilms and his friends

Warnings: this oneshot and following parts of this will contain spoilers for  security breach, so go ahead and read it


{Exit to the entrance ending}

"(y/n) look at the time it's 6 am! You can finally leave the Pizzaplex without fearing on being attack by my friends
(y/n)" an animatronic that looked like a human said looking down at (y/n) as they look back at the animatronic smiling

"yes finally!! Thank you Steve for helping me survive this place!" (y/n) shouted then hugged the human animatronic who was now named Steve as they gently pat (y/n) head

"it was nothing (y/n) as I said when we first met I promise to help you out even it means to turn against my friends" Steve said kneeling down so they're the same height as (y/n) and putting they're hand on (y/n) shoulder

(y/n) smiled holding the lazer blaster tightly "thank you Steve" (y/n) said

"now come on and I'll carry you to the exit it will be faster and safer for you as my friends will have to be a bit careful not to harm me" Steve said making (y/n) nodded and proceed to carry them

Once (y/n) comfortable Steve made a dash towards the exit hoping to get they're before his friends get to them and try killing (y/n), to say Steve was relieved seeing (y/n) was able to live through out the night, soon a voice was heard through the speaker

"hey they're kiddo you still they're?"


"you know the exit is open, right?"

"you can finally leave the place so why still be here?"

"or do you want to work here? You know you can sign up and be an intern seeing your good"

"it do sometimes get lonely here if you sign up maybe it won't be anymore"

"(y/n) was it? Come to the center stage I have a gift for you~"

"Steve I have a bad feeling about what Pat just said" (y/n) said hugging Steve head a bit tighter

"me too (y/n) but don't worry as I will bring you to the exit and not towards the center stage where Pat is" Steve said reassuring (y/n) who only nodded


As the exit doors open Steve finally arrive and was able to not get caught by his friends, soon he carefully put (y/n) down and they look at Steve with a sad smile who look back with a reassuring smile

"I guess this is it, you can come with me Steve you know that" (y/n) said with a bit of hope that maybe Steve will come with them

"I am sorry (y/n) but I cannot leave as I belong here and without a charging station I won't be able to live for long" Steve said with sadness lacing his words as (y/n) look at him with teary eyes

"Steve......" (y/n) trailed off tears threatening to fall

"(y/n) you have a choice you can stay and continue exploring the place and learn more and the secrets about this place" Steve said putting a hand on (y/n) shoulder "or leave the place, the choice is yours (y/n) whatever it is I'll accept what ever it is" Steve added

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