oops! I did it again

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Requested: XxNightmare_UwUxX

Ship: Bryan x Jon

Plot: A player that soon become the one that got played? Hate become love after some events

Warning: contains slight smut but not really smut?? I'm not really sure if this okay.... If ummmmm the one that helped me with the chapter "failed potion gone wrong" if you can help again please do, if it's not okay I'll immediately change the slight smut to none smut at all


"I think I love you-"

"opps! I did it again"

Laughter was heard through out the room well mostly boys where laughing while girls and some boys felt pity for Bryan and what happened to him, and at prom it happened

You see Bryan was asked out to prom by Jon, the number one player in they're school who always manage to make someone fell in love with him whether they're a girl or a boy it doesn't matter he'll break your heart, and Bryan didn't even know this since he's new to the place

Jon was smirking seeing how Bryan look like shock and humiliated, he waited patiently long for this to humiliate Bryan right in front of everyone in prom, seeing he now finally have made Bryan fallen in love for him

"I played with your heart"

"you lost in the game"

"oh baby, baby"

Jon then made a crying face as he's smirk grew wider, then looked at his boys who helped him do this


"you think I'm in love??"

Jon turned his head to look at Bryan again hearing him say things, as he's smirk started to slowly disappear seeing Bryan was no longer shock or looking humiliated, it was replaced by a neutral and questioned face mix together as Bryan look at him, his hand on his hips then the other making a gesture

As more people laughed including the people Jon played with they're hearts, even his boys are laughing at him

"that I'm sent from above?"

"I'm not that innocent"

Jon never felt so humiliated in his life, from the fact he thought he manage to broke Bryan's heart to him getting backfired, and the fact Bryan never really felt anything for him and was also just playing with him





Jon was snap out of his thoughts then looked at his employee, glaring a bit as they cough and straighten they're posture

"sir the interview" the employee said Jon raised an eyebrow gesture him to continue "the person your going to interview is here sir" the employee added

Jon nodded and said "alright tell them to come here so we could start the interview" the employee nodded then left to get the person

Once the door closed he sigh and looked back at his phone seeing the video where he was supposed to break Bryan's heart but it backfired, instead he was the one who's heart was broken and he know he mess up so bad

Because all those time spending with Bryan he started to fell in love, he never felt this way to the people he played with, it was a weird feeling for him and he just ignored it, thinking the fact the bet and his pride is more important than to accept he actually fallen in love

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