(A/N) I have a question (repost)

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Edit: this is a repost because it somehow become a draft and I don't know why and I legitimately didn't see it become drafted

I really just want to publish every chapter I created in this book and no this isn't a goodbye I'll still be making chapters

Alright as the title said I have a question

But before that I'm here to tell you a hecking weird story that literally happened to me earlier

Alright so it was nighttime when this weird thing happened to me and like any normal people we sleep at night, reason why I say normal people and not all *cough* people who don't sleep and are sleep deprived *cough*

Anyway when I was sleeping and having an amazing dream about killing and destroying all my enemies and people who weren't on my side, it suddenly change and became hecking weird

Before the weird part I want to tell you this dream is about Bryan x Jon yeah right off the back it's a flipping ship dream, and that's also another reason why it weirded me out

From the start the dream was just basically both Bryan and Jon hanging with each other and having fun so I thought it was a normal dream, but still a bit weirded out caused it's a flipping ship dream

But as the dream go on it started to weirded me out caused on one of the scene in the dream Jon kidnap Bryan caused he love him so much and doesn't want anyone to have him, that's when I also found out Jon was aflipping yandere in my dream

Then Jon basically turned Bryan into his pet and lover, Bryan doesn't have choice and he also liked Jon but when he found out Jon did all those stuff to the people he met and got kidnap by Jon he doesn't know if he still like him or not

Bryan then was forced to wear a bunny suit for Jon that showed his curves and feminine body who keep on touching him in places while he sit at Jon's lap while they talk to each other about what Jon did and why his doing all this stuff

And that's where my dream ended well not really ended they're it them before doing you know what, so yeah my dream is a flipping ship and smut dream, when I woke I was just hecking laying on my bed with the thoughts of

'what the fuck? Why did I dreamed this?'

Then I started moving around trying to go back to sleep or at least get the dream out of my head, which failed caused I'm still remembering the dream from time to time and I wouldn't have write this if I didn't remember it

After a few more minutes I finally check my phone and saw it was between 4 am in the morning because of me unable to sleep again I completely spend an hour on my phone before forgetting it and going back to sleep

And the worse part, it's literally my birthday today when I have that weird dream, and this isn't even a coincidence caused this is like a flipping tradition for me to dream something weird everytime on my birthday

On my last birthday I flipping dream of being a literally mother with a lot kids and that I'm some part of a flipping movie

And that's about my weird dream now for the question on why I created this

So do you want me to recreate this dream into a oneshot?

Also sorry if I'm taking a while, I'm also doing my YouTube channel and uploading videos while I do the oneshots, and tried doing multiple oneshots at once and then what happened is that my ideas immediately deflated

And look at this........

And look at this

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I'm literally doing five oneshots at once but decided to do one at a time since of what happened and I still have a lot more to do all of this are at different times since I become more focused on doing the part 2 of "Into the unknown"

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I'm literally doing five oneshots at once but decided to do one at a time since of what happened and I still have a lot more to do all of this are at different times since I become more focused on doing the part 2 of "Into the unknown"

And the "were sorry" yeah.... About that, that was on my draft for a very long time I was just couldn't able to finish since I got no more ideas for it and it was flipping almost on the end when I ran out of ideas

Anyway peace out I hope maybe I could at least publish the "Into the unknown" part 2 chapter soon and do the rest of the oneshots

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