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Waring, explicit scene smut, lesbian, gxg, rough sex, choking, nipple sucking, warning will be put at that part if you don't like stuff like that I suggest you do not read any further)

New character!!
taiya pronounced (tae-yuh) pic above.

Xana pov

I shot up from the sound of my phone ringing obnoxiously loud, I turn over to my night stand where my phone was I reached over and picked it up from where it was the annoyingly bright light shined making me shut my eyes and reopen them so that they could adjust.

Once my eyes finally adjusted to the light I pressed the button on the tiny screen and let out a sigh happy the room went back to being silent,

I slid down my notification bar to see that I had a few text from Brichelle and way too many from taiya I opened up Brichelle's text and read a few of them, it was mostly her telling me that she used all of my cheese and that she left me some grilled cheese in the microwave.

I hummed as I walked into the kitchen and opened the microwave finding the grilled cheese sandwiches that Brichelle said she left in there, I closed the microwave and pressed the button at the bottom of the microwave and walked over to the fridge to make myself something to drink.

I sat down at the island and scrolled through my messages while I was waiting on my food to heat up I clicked on the messages from taiya there were a few of her saying that she wanted to come over and some saying that she missed me and some others of her obviously being upset that I hadn't replied to her yet,

I hummed and shot her a quick text "You can come over if you're still up" I wrote out, I pressed send and got up to get my food from the microwave.

Like clockwork my phone immediately dinged back to back with messages from Taiya  " ok" "I'm omw" "Be there in fifteen minutes" 

my phone kept dinging  I'm honestly surprised that she is still awake I just sat my phone on the counter and walked back to my room with my sandwich hanging out of my mouth, once I was in my room I went over to my drawer and got out my remote.

I pressed the  small red button on the remote which made the slightly pitch black room red, I sat the remote on my dresser and grabbed the bottle of air freshener off of my dresser and began spraying it all over the room so that it smelled nice when I was done I fixed up my bed and threw my blanket into the dryer so that it was warm and fluffy.

I  was  now done fixing up my room, I walked out to my kitchen to grab my phone when I got a message
"I'm coming up the elevator rn"

she replied and I quickly cleaned off my face and fixed my hair once I was presentable  I went to my room and threw my phone on the bed, I heard the doorbell ring and I swear my heart started racing "Calm down Xana it's just Taiya" I said to myself as I walked to the door.

I fixed myself once more before I opened the door, "Hey love I was starting to think that you went back to sleep on me" Taiya said walking into the apartment and going straight to the kitchen with the bottle of champagne, I closed the door and made sure that it was locked due to the breakin's that have been happening recently,

"So how have you been, I haven't seen you in a while" I said trying to make small talk "girl- I know you didn't just anyways I've been good I guess" she said pouring the champagne into the glasses "That's good to hear and I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you I've been busy and stressed and I didn't want to worry you" I said wrapping my arms around her waist

"Hey Xana you know I don't care about all that you know if you need to or anything I'm here I gotchu" she said while taking a sip of  her drink

"Yeah I know I'm just not ready to talk about it okay" I said trying not to get into my feelings right now and ruin a possibly good night "Okay so whatchu tryna do" she said walking over to the big sectional that sat in the middle of my living room.

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