Ending part 1

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Shanya pov

"I've been working for either Mr. White or Issac for six months now. Business trips to Paris, Milan, and Barcelona have filled my days, but there's a growing undercurrent I can't ignore. Is there something between us? Or am I simply overthinking this professional relationship?"

Lyna finally dumped Israel and snagged a new apartment. I swear she's got a new guy, too. She hasn't said anything, but my best friend gut is tingling. I'll wait for her to spill the beans. Blake and Taelyn tied the knot! Their wedding was pure magic. I'm so happy for them. Of course, with Blake off on his honeymoon, there's extra work to handle at the office. But hey, I wouldn't have it any other way. Ed finally paid me back, and I’m glad I could help him land that event planner job. He’s been doing great. I heard he even got engaged to Brichelle! I'm happy for him, especially since he invited me to the wedding.

I also made a new friend, Xana. She and her girlfriend, Taiya, are the sweetest couple. I’m so lucky to have them in my life.

"Everyone in my life has been so helpful, loving, and instrumental to my growth these past six months. I'm incredibly grateful for each and every one of you."
I read this out loud to Ed, my phone still clutched in my hand. "So, what do you think? I know it's basic, but writing a speech is killing me. I can't think of anything else to say besides how grateful I am," I confessed.
Ed, who was knee-deep in planning Isaac's all-white birthday extravaganza, looked up. We're planning two events: a small, intimate gathering with Isaac, Lyna, and our close friends, followed by a massive  company event where everyone wears white and enjoys a fancy dinner.
I'm struggling to write Issac's birthday speech. It's impossible to talk about him without mentioning my massive crush. I make a fool of myself around him constantly, and I'm shocked I still have a job.
Just this morning, I was caught daydreaming during a meeting with investors. So embarrassing!
Issac's been in nonstop meetings with investors lately. He's trying to secure their support because Israel is plotting to steal the company.
"But I know Isaac will be able to save the company. It's his pride and joy. I know he won't give up or go down without a fight!"
"What do you mean you're going to give up!" I exclaimed, my voice rising slightly.
"Calm down, Shanya. I'm just saying maybe we should try to make a deal instead of continuing this fight. I mean, most of the investors aren't really wanting to stay with us, and it's getting harder to convince them," Isaac explained.
I sighed and plopped down into the seat beside me. I can't believe this is happening. What will happen to the company? Will I lose my job? Everything is so stressful.
Will we all be out of jobs after Isaac's party?

Lyna Pov

"Boy! I'm not playing with you. Drop it! Drop it right now!" I yelled at Bunny shanya’s  obnoxious cat, who was currently devouring my tuna sandwich. I'm cat-sitting for Shanya while she's at work.
I'm also house-sitting for Blake since he's on his honeymoon. Let me tell you, it's no joke. His house is a freaking mansion, and there's always something to clean. It's like a never-ending cycle of dirt. So, I called the one person I knew would rush over in an instant.
“Thank you for coming over so quickly, Jino”, I said, shutting the door behind him.
“Of course, you know you can always call me when you need anything, love,” Jino replied, kissing my forehead.
We've been dating for two months now, and everything feels different. I finally feel loved and appreciated. It's so quiet and peaceful, no screaming or fighting. I couldn't be happier.
"Thanks so much. I promise to pay you back for helping me. I promised I'd have everything set up before they got back, but this is just too much to handle alone," I explained, walking up the stairs to show him the mess.
Jino gasped dramatically. "Oh my god, what did you get yourself into? This is going to take at least a few years to sort through!"
I rolled my eyes. "Be serious, please. I need to finish this today”
Okay, I'm sorry, where do you want me, babe?" he asked, twisting his hair into a bun. God, I loved when he did that. "The bed. I want to fix the bed first, then we can tackle everything else," I explained, heading towards the bed.
After five long hours, we finally finished cleaning and setting up the entire house. Let me tell you, I'm never doing this again.
"I'm so happy we're done. All I want to do now is take a long, hot shower and then collapse in bed," I said, filling Bunny's bowl with kibble. My phone pinged from across the room. Setting down the food, I rushed over to see who it was.
Grabbing my phone from the couch, I unlocked it to find a notification from Shanya saying she was on her way to pick up Bunny. I quickly replied before plopping back onto the sofa. Exhaustion washed over me.
Ten minutes later, Shanya arrived to pick up Bunny.
"Hey, my baby! Mommy missed you. Were you a good boy for Tee-Tee Lyna?" Shanya exclaimed, showering Bunny with kisses. Bunny just meowed, clearly annoyed by the affection.
"So, how was your day, Shany?" I asked, gathering Bunny's remaining toys and treats.
"Girl, it was long. Now, Issac's saying we might have to give up the company. So, after the party, we might be out of jobs," Shanya said with a frown. “That's so sad I'm sorry to hear that I really thought you guys were going to be able to pull through with everything”

“I know it's all Israel’s fault for coming in and fucking up everything stealing our investors and shit like I don't just understand why we can't get new investors instead especially younger ones who aren't stuck in their ways but also a few older ones with good money and oh my God I just got an idea” shanya said ranting almost out of breath

“Oh my God yes okay thank you for watching Bunny lyna I'll bring him back tomorrow but I gotta go okay love you bye” shanya yelled out rushing out the door

“Well that was something.  Want to watch a movie?” I said to a half sleep Jino who has been laying on the sofa the entire time

“Yeah sure, what do you want to watch?” He questioned picking up the remote

“Maybe SpongeBob movie yeah let's do that”

And that's how I ended my long day sleeping in jino’s arms on the sofa. I wonder what shanya plans on doing for the company. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

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