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(Shanya pov)



I texted the girls in all caps to express my excitement, I couldn't believe this was happening for real


{"Oh my Gosh, Babes I'm so happy for you"}


{"Okayyy girl!! I see you"}


{"I'm so happy!}
{I cannot believe this is happening right now.}
{Finally I can buy bunny his expensive food again"}


{"Girl you and that damn cat,..}{Anyways we're going out tonight and this time nobody or nothing is stopping us okay!!"}


{Fine by me.}
{ I get off at five.}
{ So  I should be ready around six}


{"Okay so we will meet up at my house at seven?"}

"Sounds like a plan"

Taelyn and lyna both said and That was the end of our Conversation, Thank God for voice message So I can talk and drive without being distracted.

I Was now at my Apartment even after being on the phone the whole ride.

Walking up to my apartment, I Saw my neighbor Ed and that girl from the elevator earlier what was her name?

I kept asking myself trying to remember

' Brichelle! ' that was her name I started putting two and two together; By listening to their conversation as I was passing and realized Ed was her boyfriend.

Whew I feel bad for her poor girl she don't even know he going to steal her rent money also I thought to myself while shaking my head.

I said to myself as I walked into my apartment greeted by a not so happy bunny who was meowing very loudly to me, I checked my phone seeing that it was now after one so that means it's lunch time and his automatic food dispenser didn't go off yet so I'm facing the attitude.

"Okay okay baby I know you'll eat in a bit I promise" I said while picking up the demon toddler who kindly jumped out of my arms "Wow so it's like that okay bet, don't come be my friend after you eat how about that" I said with an attitude which the cat showed no care for I scoffed jokingly and went upstairs to get out of these clothes that were currently suffocating my thighs and pudge

(Beautiful time of de-skip)

It was now six thirty and I was fighting my badass cat for my other earring  "give it to me bunny!" I whined trying to pry the jewel from his mouth.

Once I finally had my earring I was so tired I just decided not to wear any it was now a courter till seven and since I spent half of my time fighting for my earring I was half dressed so I quickly grabbed my bag and stuffed everything I would need for tonight like my phone and charger my wallet lipstick and lash glue just in case.

When I was done I did a quick once over in the mirror making sure I looked right i rushed down stairs to fix up the house since we were all coming back to my place after the party, I fixed up the couch and filled Bunny's  food bowl with wet food but put the top over so it would lift at the right time to feed him while I was out .

I heard a knock at the door and quickly rushed to open it revealing lyna and taelyn dressed like the bad bitches they are "Okay boo purr look at shanya dressed like a baddie on this fine evening" taelyn said while walking into the house with lyna behind her "you know what I'm saying over here looking like fine mother fucking wine she is, girl are you ready to par-tay  because oh a bitch finna get wasted" lyna said well it's lyna so yelled.

"Yass bestie let me grab my bag and imma be right behind y'all okay!" I said to the girls who were now walking out the door with out a Care in the world singing ready or not by Bridget mindler "y'all be quiet I got neighbors" I whispered yelled to the duo "oh Chile I'm sorry" lyna said through giggles.

(Another pretty time skip)

We were now at the party getting drunk and fucked up taelyn was having a dance battle with some random guys while lyna was hyping get up I was laughing at the two while sipping my drink and out the corner of my eye I see someone.

Someone familiar I quickly turn my head when they look over trying not to seem to obvious because they started walking over and by they it was my ex- boyfriend trey there wasn't much to get into about Trey we dated for four months then he coerced me into giving him my virginity which I did then I broke up with him for trying to sleep with Lyn's mom.

His face was one I hoped to not see for a while "hey bubble bun how you been shorty" Trey said as he approached me with that ugly goofy ass smile he always wore "what do you want Trey I'm not in the mood" I said already irritated with his presence "nothing bubble bun just partying you?" He asked with a brow raised while I was internally gagging at the nickname he used to call me "look Trey ion know what you what but I don't want it you fucked up when you tried to fuck my best friend mom now get outta my face before I take your other ball" I hissed at him

He just sucked his teeth and walked away while I went back to sipping my drink you see I wasn't the only one who was upset when he tried to fuck on Lyna's mom her dad was also very pissed hence he has one ball now.

I looked back over at the girls and taelyn was still cutting it up on the dance floor but lyna was off talking to this tall Asian guy with a shit ton of tattoos okay I see her fuck Israel and the pussy he slid out of, I thought to myself as I watched my best friend smile bigger than she has in the last three years I was happy for her.

Eventually the party ended I heard they were starting up again somewhere else but a bitch was tired and it was twelve o'clock I have work tomorrow and so do these bitches, so we all headed back to my apartment and got undressed and ready for bed

"Hey guys" taelyn said while sprawled out on the floor

"Yes" me and lyna answered

"I love you guys so much like really I don't think I could have did this or come so far without you guys thanks for being there for me for real bitches I love you guys" taelyn said while wiping the small tears that escaped her eyes 

"Girl we love you too you know you our girl we also couldn't have come so far without you girl right?" Lyna said while nudging my arm

"Of course but girl I got work tomorrow so I'll see you in the morning good night" I said before turning off the lights and snuggle in-between the girls on the floor

"Good night bitch" they said in usion.

Hey bunnies what did you think of this chapter sorry for making you wait so long but I never know what to write sorry :/

Oh also happy black history month!!!

Word count : 1,260

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