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'xana 𝐩𝐨𝐯'

I groaned as my alarm blared. I was so tired, I could barely open my eyes.

I sat up and stretched, yawning widely. I sat there for a few seconds, trying to wake myself up.

Finally, I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water, letting it heat up.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. I took a clean cup from the cupboard and grabbed the bottle of medicine. I took out a tiny yellow pill and slid it into my mouth.

I poured myself some water and drank it, swallowing the pill.

After that, I walked back to the bathroom and checked the water temperature. Once it was hot enough, I turned on the shower, got out of my clothes, and stepped in.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a fluffy robe. I turned off the water and walked out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed and ready to start the day.

I sat down at my vanity and plugged in my hair dryer. As I dried my hair, I ran my fingers through it, enjoying the softness.

When I was finished, I turned off the dryer and fingered through my hair one last time.

I got up and went to my closet. I chose a white shirt with yellow bears on it and some white, yellow, and gray cargo pants.

I went to my drawer and pulled out some underwear. After getting dressed, I went out to the living room and grabbed my bag and laptop from the sofa. I was ready to go.

I walked to the elevator and pressed the down button. The doors slid open, and I stepped inside.

I stuffed my laptop into my bag and slung it over my shoulder. I waited impatiently for the elevator to stop. It seemed like it took forever, probably because I lived on such a high floor.

Finally, the elevator doors opened, and I stepped out. I walked through the vast parking garage, searching for my car. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door.

I heard the car beep, and I walked over to it. I got in, placed my bag in the seat next to me, and took out my keys. I started the car and drove off.

I pulled up to my university and drove around until I found a parking spot.

I parked my car and got out. I walked inside the school, trying to avoid bumping into anyone.

I was walking to my first class when I ran into Brichelle. "Woah there, girl, you almost killed me," she said, laughing.

I muttered a sorry and laughed softly. "Well, I wouldn't have run into you if you were in class," I replied.

She sighed. "I was waiting on you."

"Sorry," I said again. We continued walking to class together.

When we got to class, we found our seats and sat down. The professor walked in, apologizing for being late due to traffic. After his usual "reasons not to speed" speech, he started teaching, picking up from where we left off yesterday

I took out my laptop and started taking notes. My first class flew by, and so did the rest of my classes, except for my last one.

It felt like I had been in that classroom for hours, even though it had only been thirty minutes. My fingers ached from taking notes.

I picked up my bag and searched for my headphones. Once I found them, I plugged them into my phone and put them in my ears. I pressed play on my Spotify playlist and continued to take notes.

Listening to "Ride" by Sole helped to calm my thoughts.

After my last class ended, I got up from my seat and stretched my legs. They were sore as hell.

I gathered my things and started to walk out of the classroom. As I was leaving, I heard someone call my name.

I turned around and saw that it was the professor

I stopped walking and listened as the professor approached me. She began to lecture me about how good my grades were and how I should be paying more attention in class.

I sighed, my patience wearing thin. I listened to her go on and on for what felt like hours.

Finally, she walked away. I groaned and picked up my bag, which had fallen to the floor. I slung it back over my shoulder and walked towards the university doors.

As I stepped outside, it started to pour down rain. I sighed and got into my car.

Thank goodness for good timing. After five minutes, the rain stopped and the sky cleared up.

I made my way across town, heading towards my home. I was so thirsty, I could have drank a gallon of water.

I decided to drive to my favorite cafe. I took a U-turn and headed towards it.

After I arrived, I parked my car and got out. Before leaving the car, I made sure to grab my wallet.

I closed the car door and locked it. Then, I walked into the cafe.

As soon as I stepped inside, I was greeted by the delicious smell of peanut butter cookies and chocolate blueberry cake. My mouth started to water.

I walked up to the counter and rang the bell to let the barista know I was there.

After waiting a few minutes, the barista finally approached me. I ordered a mango and peach iced tea with a sugar cookie.

I paid for my tea and cookie and walked out of the cafe. I got into my car, placed my cup in the holder, and set down my cookie. Then, I started the car and drove off.

On my way home, I remembered that I needed to go to the store to get some food. I turned my car around and drove towards the nearest Walmart.

After I arrived, I parked my car and got out. I locked the doors and walked into the store.

I grabbed a basket and started shopping. As I was walking around, I realized that I had zoned out and wasn't paying attention.

I looked up and realized I was in the animal food aisle. Just as I was about to walk away, I felt something bump into my back

"Ouch" I said when the other person's cart collided with the back of my leg.

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