Remembering the Past I Want Forgotten.

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A/N heey guys!! This isn’t gonna be long I just wanted to say you are all awesome! And im having such a great time writing this book and I hope your having fun reading it!! And just saying now no hate to Demi.

Anyways to the next chapter!

Chapter 14

    Teegan’s POV

        Today is the day! Todays my date with Niall. I cant wait! “Hey Brooke? Would you help me get ready for my date?” she nodded and stood up from sitting on the couch. She followed me to my room. “Are you sure you want to go on this date? I mean, if fans see you they might start to hate you, and also if they see you, you can say goodbye to your privacy.” She was right all that could happen but I think that its worth it. “I know Brooke, but if Louis asked you out wouldn’t you say yes, even though you knew that stuff could happen?” I asked. She blushed and looked down. “Well I would if he asked, but I don’t think he will ever ask me out.” I walked over to her, “If he broke up with El because of you then there is a huge chance he will ask you out.” He blushed again. “Okay… but lets get you ready or you will miss your date.” Without anymore talking we started to get me ready.

Niall’s POV

To: Nialler

From: Demi

Are you mad at me? Cause I texted you a while ago and I never got a reply. Do you want to take me up on that offer? To go out? Text if you do…


    I forgot she texted. Wow was I really that stupid not to reply.

To: Demi

From: Nialler

Sorry Demi, I was really preoccupied. But I can’t go out with you. There is someone else in my life and I cant hurt her, she’s to special. And I really like her. Sorry

   Nialler x

I pressed send and let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding. Within seconds I got a reply.

To: Nialler

From: Demi

It’s fine, I really wish we could have tried it but if you have someone special then I’m happy for you, she’s a very lucky girl. But anyways. Did you here about the girl that went missing here, Her name is Teegan Brown, and a few days after she disappeared her friend just packed up and moved to London. Police think there hiding out in London.


I read the text then called her up, I needed to know the answers. After  a few rings she picked up, “Niall?”

“Yeah Demi, sorry for calling but I needed to know more about this girl.”

“Ohh its fine, but well. Her name is Teegan Brown, she’s only 17 or 18, one day she was here getting ready to go to a foster home because her parents died in a car accident, it was really tragic. But before they could take her to the home they had to do a bunch of test and ends up she was physically and sexually abused by someone, they think her dad, and also she had cuts all over her body, arms, sides and thighs. But Niall, why are you wondering all this.”

“She never told me any of this…” I whispered hoping that Demi didn’t hear. I was wrong.

“What did you just say Niall?”

“Promise not to tell anyone?”

“Of course.”

“Liam signed papers to be her legal guardian, she was staying in the same apartments we were, and Josh heard her crying so he comforted her and one thing let to another and bam! We were all talking and becoming close friends then I asked her out.” I wish I hadn’t said the last part.

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