One Way or Round Trip?

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Chapter 6

Brooke’s POV

     What did she say? Did she say that her parents died? What the fucks happening? I’m confused. I’m about to talk when she looks around everybody is staring at her. As I open my mouth to say something she runs out, crying. I know she’s hurt but I really don’t know what to do.

Teegan’s POV

      Did I really just say that? Did I just tell almost the whole school what happened? What am I gonna do? I ran to my locker and grabbed my stuff. I put my headphone into my phone and then into my ears so that I could listen to my favorite band… One Direction. After I did all that I walked to my car and drove home. On the lawn was a for sale sign. I just ignored it for now. When I walked into the house I noticed Mara with her bags. “Mara? What’s going on?” I asked totally confused at what was going on. She looked down at the ground. Then spoke. “Well, I’m very sorry to tell you Ms. but… They are selling your house. All your stuff will be put into a storage bin.” After she was done talking I ran upstairs… more like sprinted. I ran into my parents room and over to their bed. Then sat on the ground. I was gonna start crying. But it hit me… what I was going to do. It was a crazy idea but it may work. I lifted the corner of the rug. There was a safe under the rug. I knew the combo. When I opened it there was a bunch of euros. Like A LOT. I believe there was like over 1 million Canadian dollars. Did I mention I live in Canada? Well yes I do. I grabbed my purse and put the money in it. Then also from the safe I grabbed my passport and some other things I will need. You might be wondering why we had all this stuff. Well it’s easy to explain. My parents always wanted to live in London and it was my dream to. So now that there was nothing for me here why not move. After finishing up in my parent’s room I walked to my room. The movers were already in my room. So I filled them in on what was happening, all things from my room were to be put in an opposite storage unit. To be shipped to London. And I slipped them some extra money so they wont tell anyone. After that I packed a suitcase full of my clothes, make up, my hair stuff and this I will need. And I was off to the airport.

    20 minutes later I arrived at the airport. I walked straight up to westjet. There wasn’t a line so I was helped right away. “Hello ma’am how may I help you?” A nice young man asked. He looked like he was in his early 30’s. “Yes, hi I need a ticket to London.” I replied. “Okay may I see your passport?” I handed him my passport and he looked it over then gave it back. “Okay is it one way or round trip?” I giggled at his question then replied. “Are you kidding me definitely one way.” I replied. ”Oh and as soon as possible.” He looked on his computer then replied. “Yes the soonest flight is in an hour.” Before I could think about it I yelled yes! I decided that I would call the school and say that I wouldn’t be at the school anymore. I dialed the number then pressed talk. After 3 rings someone picked up. Hello David B Coles Collegiate. How may I help you?” I waited then replied with my most mature voice and spoke. “Yes this is Teegan Brown’s Aunt. I wanted to inform the school that because of her parents accident, she will be moving in with me in London and will be finishing the rest of the school year here.” The line was silent then she replied. “Okay, thank you for informing us.” “Your welcome. Have a good day.” I hung up then I had a great idea. Might want to talk to Brooke before I have to go. I take my phone in hand again and go to my contacts. I scrolled through and found Brooke under her stupid name. PurpleGangstaPenguin. I pressed her number and it started to ring. Then finally she picked up. “Hello?” It wasn’t her it was a guy. To be honest it was Kyle. I didn’t want to talk to him but I decided I will tell him what’s going on. “Hey Kyle, it’s Teegan. Can you tell Brooke I called and that once I’m settled I will call with my new number. I will miss you guys.” Then I hung up. And turned my phone off. I decided I would close my eyes and relax before I have to get on the plane.

    It felt like only five minutes but I was laying there when I heard the boarding call for London.

“boarding for the six o’clock flight to London, England now boarding.”

     I grabbed my bag/ carry on and walked to get on the plane. Once on the plane I knew I was going to have a nap. That way the plane ride would be shorter.

    I was awoken by a woman tapping me on the shoulder. “Ma’am. The plane ride is over. You’ve arrived in London.” I thanked her and stood up. Walked to the baggage claim. Grabbed my two luggage bags and walked over to the rent a car. Got a car and was out of the airport. I did all this in only 10 minutes. After all that I drove to the hotel that my mom, dad and I always stayed at when we would visit London. Which was a lot. and got a room on the top floor cause I love having a nice view. And it was the room we always stayed in. I was about to go to the elevator when the woman working behind the desk started to talk to me. “Ohh and by the way Ms.Brown There are a group of boys that will be staying at the hotel for the next few days. They will be on the top floor with you. Sorry ahead of time for them.” I was confused but walked away into the elevator. After a few minutes a brushed it off. I walked off to my room. Once I was almost in my room I heard screaming. I knew it was guys. I wouldn’t believe there are going to be annoying guys on the same floor as me.

    I got to my room, opened the door, and walked in. I put my luggage down, and closed the door. I didn’t even have time to walk away before I started crying. I leaned against the door then fell to the ground. And started crying even more. I have nothing, no family, no friends, nobody, and nothing really, I had nothing more then this. More then the stuff I brought. I was deep in thought when I heard someone from behind the door.

“Hello? Are you okay?”

A/N Hopefully this is longer for you guys. And I'm hoping this is Leaving you on a cliffhanger

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