Whats The Plan?

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A/N IM BACK!!! Sorry for such a long wait, but some people have been commenting on this story so I’ve decided to start writing. I edited the last two chapters and now I’m uploading this chapter!!

Chapter 17

Teegan’s POV

            Niall took me to the hospital and I had to get 4 stitches. Then we went back to my flat. We decided to hang out and watch movies. We were currently watching an old favorite of mine… Coyote Ugly and it was getting to the sex scene. I’ve never watched this scene with a guy before and I will admit I was starting to get a bit horny. I looked over at Niall and saw him biting his lip, which was turning me on even more. I didn’t notice I was staring until I heard faint small laughter coming from Niall. I came out of my thoughts and he was staring right back at me. And before I could even acknowledge what was happening Niall’s lips were against mine. It wasn’t a fully sweet kiss like it was when we first kissed… no it was more like a passionate kiss, like maybe he wanted more. My brain wasn’t working like it should be and it started doing its own thing. So I climb on top of his waist to straddle him, but I never break the kiss. The kiss becomes more passionate and right when I think hes going to go further then a kiss he pulls away. “I don’t think we should do anything more then this tonight. I just don’t think were there yet.” Now thinking about what she said I agree, it was moving a bit fast, but with Niall I like that. We became friends fast, we liked each other pretty fast, went on a date, went on another date, got into our first fight, had out first and ninth kiss and I moved in with him, all within the course of 2 months. That’s pretty fast. With any other guy I would still be at the 3rd or 4th date with him. But with Niall it feels almost normal to go this fast.

“What are you thinking about so hard?”

“Just about us. We’ve moved pretty fast for only meeting 2 months ago. Don’t you think?”

“Yes, we did move pretty fast but, I don’t wanna go to far, besides we still have so much to learn about each other. Why don’t we start there.”

“Okay, you go first, tell me 10 things about you.”

“Sure… 1. I’m Irish. 2. I have a brother named Greg. And was suppose to be a twin. 3. I’ve never really had a girlfriend. 4. I’m in One Direction and doing what I love. 5. This is starting to get challenging. 6. I’m a friend to some of the craziest guys you will ever meet and I love it and am just like them. 7. I have a girlfriend named Teegan and she is one of the most gorgeous, adorable, talented, funny and sarcastic girl you will ever meet, and I love it! 8. I’ve performed all over the world. 9. I’m actually a brunette. And 10. It’s your turn to do this.”

“Wow great! Now my turn. 1. I also have Irish blood in me. 2. My natural hair is a mousy brown but I’ve been dying my hair since I was about 10. 3. I have trust issues and you’re the first that I’ve opened up to about almost anything. 4. Name a color its been in my hair. 5. This is hard to do. 6. I’m a tomboy and I would never change for my life, I like who I am. 7. I LOVE rock music. But I like pop too. 8. I have the best boyfriend ever. He’s funny, cute, hot, and not to mention so talented. 9. I’m loving my life here in London. 10. I’m finally moving on from my past in North America, but I’m never forgetting.”

            After that we just stared at each other. Not in the creepy way in the cute way just enjoying each others company. Then finally someone spoke but it wasn’t him, nor me.

“That was so cute!!! I think I came over at just the right time!!!”

            I looked behind me to see Louis standing in the doorway from the kitchen to the living room.

“Mate, did you forget about the plans we had all made?”

            I glanced over at Niall with a confused look on my face, which made him giggle.

“We are planning on going to the carnival that’s in town, you in?”

“Only if I can invite Sheila, I said I would hang out with her today.”

            Out of no where Louis interjected “I bet Zayn would like that.”

“Isn’t he with Perrie?” I asked.

“He was but they decided it wasn’t working out so they broke up.”

“Awee poor Zayn.”

“He’ll be fine, he actually has eyes for Sheila.”

            Right before I was gonna reply Zayn ended up walking in so we all shut up. And before it could get awkward I blurted out “Imma go call Sheila.” I stood up and started walking out but right before I got out of hearing range I heard Zayn say to the two boys “Really, someone had to mention me liking Sheila and now I have to spend the whole day around her? You blokes know I can’t do that!” laughing to myself I walked into my bedroom at Niall’s and dialed Sheila’s number which I’ve never forgotten, a few rings later I heard her loud booming voice, “TEEGAN!!!”

“Hey Sheila.”

“Whats up?”

“Not much just wanted to see if you still wanna hang out today.”

“Of course wouldn’t miss it for the world. Still shopping?”

“Well, plans have been made and the guys want us to join them and go to the carnival that’s in town, wanna join…. Zayn will be there.”

            I waited for the smartass remark that she would make but instead she gave me a I’ll be at yours and Niall’s in 10 and she hung up. I walked back into the Living room and the guys were arguing about what show to watch.

“Sheila will be here in about 10 minutes, wanna tell the rest of the guys and Brooke to come here and then we will all head out?” I was thinking that only one would reply or there wouldn’t be a reply but instead there were more then one reply all at once.


“I call texting Harry!”


“Of Course love.”

              After 20 minutes I started to get worried that something had happened to Sheila, everyone else was here but her. Then finally there was a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it!” Zayn rushed the words out and then ran to the door as fast as he could, man he must really be into her… that gives me an idea… And Teegan the matchmaker is at it again. When they showed up I went and hugged her. Then we discussed some rules we might want to remember.

Niall’s POV

            After everyone showed up we went over some rules.

“1. Non of us can’t tweet were going there cause we want to have fun not be trampled. 2. If you decide to separate from the group make sure you tell the body guards so they know. 3. Have fun.”

“yes mum.” I replied.

            Then we were off. It took us about 5-10 minutes to get to the carnival. I spent the whole ride talking with Teegan.

“And then Harry managed to trip in the lobby.” She burst into giggles then into a full out laugh, so I continued. “And so that he didn’t feel bad, we all fell beside him.” She had such a red face from laughing.

“We’re here.” Liam cut into everyone’s conversation to tell us.

“And so are all the fans…” I heard Louis say from the back. We all looked out the window and noticed that he was right, a there were a huge group of teenage girls.

“As long as we rush we should be good.” Harry said hoping that it would make all our moods happy again. So we decided we would open the doors and run.

“3, 2, 1!”

            Liam threw the door open and started to run followed by Harry, Louis holding Brookes hand, Zayn holding onto Sheila and then Me pulling along Teegan.  We were halfway through when I didn’t feel her hand on mine anymore, I got into the gates and looked back expecting her to be right behind me when she wasn’t and I was starting to get worried. I started to get closer and closer to the gate to go look when I saw her coming in then right before she got through the gate she was pulled back and with a scream she was out of site.

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