How my life is.

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Chapter 2

Teegan's POV

Monday's always go by fast. 

  Being in the popular group isn't what I wanted but being Devon's girlfriend it brought me into the group. Devon and I were always close friends. As we grew up together, and I always had feelings for him. So when he asked me out of course I said yes! And when I was brought into the group so was Brooke. She loved being in the group and don't get me wrong it is great but sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I wasn’t. Another reason I'm in the group is because my parents are both lawyers and well... let's just say I live in a huge house and i have money. I think that the people in my group use me for the money and my house for awesome parties.

  Fourth period is always my favorite in school. English. My best subject. And I even love the teacher. Mrs. Smith. The only bad part about my class is Cody. Cody is Devon’s best friend and one of the guys in the group. He's a complete ass hole. If someone isn't in our group Cody believes they don't deserve to be treated well. He will punch, kick and beat up the boys and call the girls horrible names and tell them things that aren't true. But it's Cody. He will never change.

  "Hey slut! Look at me! Whore, Bitch!" Cody's Whisper shouted at the girl sitting in front of him. I believe her name is Penny. She was ignoring him. Like most people try to, but she usually succeeds. "That’s It!!!" Cody almost yells. Then he reaches out and grabs Penny's hair. "OWWW" Penny screamed. As soon as I saw what happened I turned around to stop it. "Cody stop being an ass and leave her alone." I said as calm as I could. All Cody did was let go of her hair and raised an eyebrow. "What did you just say? Did you just tell me what to do? You want to go back to being a loser?" He said and you could tell he was annoyed. i just stayed quiet not wanting to go back to my old life. "Thought so..." Cody said as he turned around and started bothering Penny again.

Finally the end of the day.

  I walked out of the school and saw Brooke and Kyle (her boyfriend) making out so I decided to walk home. When i arrived home I walked to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I ended up just grabbing a banana. I had a lot of homework so I decided to go do that now before my parents got off work. When I walked upstairs I realized the whole house was quiet. I at least thought I'd hear or see the housekeeper Mara. Mara is a middle aged woman. She's short and stout. Just as I was getting to my room I saw Mara. Walking out of my room. She must have cleaned it. "Hello Mara, how are you?" "I'm very good. I was just cleaning your room. Hope its to your standards." Mara replied. "Oh my room didn’t even need to be cleaned and truly I don’t have standards." I replied while giggling. With that I walked to my room to do my homework.

Hours past... it was already eight and my parents haven’t showed up yet. Where could they be? As if on cue I got a text


From: Mom 

Hey Honey sorry we are late. Court went longer then expected. We're on our way home.. seeya soon :)


Of course that makes since why they weren’t home. I know that the courthouse is about 20 minutes away from the house so I will see them soon.

20 minutes pass. I was getting worried again. I was going to call them when my phone went off. Someone calling me. 


A/N Sorry the last chapter was so short. But I’m hoping that the rest will be longer. This is my first story so please tell me what you think.

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