What Happened?

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Chapter 3

Teegans POV


     The line was quiet. Then someone spoke. "Hey it's Riley. I’m calling from a payphone. I need a ride home. I was with Cody. But he saw Penny and started yelling at her. I got embarrassed and ran away from him. He was my ride. Can you please, please pick me up and give me a ride home?" I thought about it for a second then replied "Okay, I guess I can." I walked downstairs grabbed everything I needed then went to the kitchen to write a note, 

     Mom and Dad,

Went to pick up Riley. Sorry I'm not here when you got home. Love you seeya when I get home

-Teegan xx

With that I walked to my car and got in. Before I Left i thought it would be a good idea to text my mom that i was leaving to go get Riley.

To: Mom

From: Teegan

Hey mom Riley needed me for a ride. I will come home as soon and I get her home.

-Teegan xx

       With that I sent it and went to pick her up. It took ten minutes. When I got there, you could tell she had been crying. She jumped in my car and begged me to just take her home. The car ride was very quiet. The only noise you could hear was the gentle sound of the radio, and Riley crying. it was only when we arrived at her house when she talked "Thanks Teeg, I'm glad your there for me. Seeya tomorrow." Then before I could talk she got out and closed the door behind her. She waved then walked into her house. When she was finally in her house, I drove home. It's a short three minute drive. When I pull into the garage, my parents cars still weren’t there but Mara's was, she must still be here. I walked into the house and it hadn't even been five minutes when there was a knock at the door. I walked towards it and opened it hoping that it was Devon or My mom and dad. When I opened it I saw something I wasn't expecting. 

   "Hello Ms. Brown."

    It’s moments like these my heart drops.

A/N So here is chapter three i want to dedicate it to my best friend @LaurenAceDerksen

If you want another chapter vote and tell yo friends :D Hope ur liking the Story so far.

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