And Let me Kiss You

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Chapter 15

Teegan’s POV

            I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I opened my eyes and noticed I wasn’t in my room, than I remembered that I stayed over at Louis’ house because I had no other place to go. I stood up and saw what I was wearing so I threw on my jeans from the day before. After I got dresses and brushed my hair I walked down the stairs, before I got into the kitchen I heard talking, Louis voice and an Irish accent and I new right away that it was Niall. As I finally got into the kitchen I saw Louis and Niall sitting around the island. Niall’s back to me and Louis facing me, as soon as Lou saw me he shut up. I knew Niall was going to turn around right away. And almost like he read my mind he turned around. As soon as he saw me he sprang up and sprinted to me engulfing me in a huge hug. I hugged him back. “I’m sorry love.” I nodded in a reply saying its okay. After Niall pulled away he looked at Louis. “Can we eat now??? I’m hungry!” I giggled at his cuteness. “When aren’t you hungry Niall?” Louis asked with a sarcastic tone. He just blushed and said “I don’t know really?” I started walking over to the island where Lou was standing, “So whats for breakfast?” I asked. Louis had a puzzled look on his face. “You mean what’s for brunch..” “oh.” Was all I replied with. “And for brunch we are having… bacon, eggs, toast and carrots.” Now it was my turn to give the puzzled look. “Carrots? That’s an odd choice.” Niall and Louis just started laughing. “what so funny?” now they were really laughing. Then Niall filled me in on their joke from when they were on X-Factor. It actually made me laugh as well.


            After we ate Niall and I decided to go to his house for a bit of private hanging out time. No not the dirty kind. Just relaxing and watching movies. So I said goodbye and thanks to Louis and gave him his shirt back. Then Niall and me were out the door. It took a few minutes to get to Niall’s flat and once we were there he helped me out of the car and we walked to his front door. He unlocked the door and went straight to the kitchen to eat more. That kid never stops eating. Once he got his food we walked to the lounge room, he opened this big closet space while I sat on the couch. I didn’t know what movie he grabbed I just hopped it wasn’t a horror. He put the movie in and we sat there until the main menu popped up and I hated it already. “Really Niall? A horror? You know I hate horror movies, cause they don’t scare me.” “I know but I thought it would be nice to cuddle up and watch it.” I smiled at the cute thought. “Fine we will watch it.” We were watching paranormal activity 4, it wasn’t that scary, I will admit it was better then the rest of them but it wasn’t scary. Me and Niall were cuddling really close, my head on his chest, his arm around my waist. I was actually almost falling asleep. I was about to fall asleep when I heard Niall quietly say “I love you Teegan.” I smiled knowing that he had said that before, but like the night before he doesn’t know that I keep hearing him. But after I heard him say that I felt his lips gently against my forehead. And then felt him pick me up I assumed that he was taking me to his room so I could lay down.


            I woke up to the quiet the sound of snoring, I turned and saw Niall sleeping next to me. I smiled when I saw him sleeping, it was jus to cute. Wow do I sound like a pedophile. I kept lying there all cuddled close to Niall, I felt so peaceful like nothing could bother me. Then without even knowing what I was doing I leaned in and kissed his lips, I just needed to know what it was like to kiss him. Once I pulled away I whispered under my breath. “I love you too Niall.” A few seconds after the kiss he started to move. Damn I’ve blown it.

Niall’s POV

            “I love you too Niall.” She whispered after kissing me. ohh how I’ve been wanting to know what it was like to kiss her, but she beat me to it, I like how she did it without knowing that I knew. Maybe I should wake up. I open my eyes to be met with hers. “hello beautiful, how was your sleep?” she smiled, “good with you beside me.” I smiled at her, she’s just so adorable. “You know what I thought of when you were sleeping?” she looked confused. “what did you think of?” I smiled. “Its your birthday tomorrow.” She smiled. “Ohh yeah it is isn’t it!” I nodded at her. “What do you want to do?” she smiled. “Louis and I were talking and we kinda want to go paintballing. And he said he’d talk to the rest of the boys about this.” I loved the idea, paintballing. With all the guys it would be so much fun!! “I like the idea. But can we talk about something more serious?” she looked hesitant but nodded. “Yesterday when we were on the phone, I said something… did you hear me?” she looked away. She looked back at me then broke the silence. “I heard you say something, and I replied to it… did you hear me?” I looked her straight in the eye, I knew what I had to say, well do… I put my hand under her chin then pulled her chin up and kissed her straight on the lips. It was sweet and gentle but got a bit more passionate. After a little while I pulled away and looked her in the eyes. “Does that answer your question?” she smiled then kissed me. “Only if that answers yours…” I couldn’t help but smile. “Hey Teegan? I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?” we were still so close in the cuddle. But after I asked the question she pulled me closer and hugged me tight. Then she whispered in my eye, “Yes, Yes a million times yes.”

A/N sorry the chapter is so so short guys I just couldn’t think of anything to go with this chapter. Plus I just wanted to get this over with for the next chapter which will be up tomorrow. I think you 

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