Unexpected Surprises

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Chapter 8

Liam’s POV

    Holding Teegan’s legs seems weird. I really don’t know why we’re doing this. I think it’s a little dramatic. We could have… no should have just asked her to come and hang with us.

Teegan’s POV

    I open the door and am really happy to see Josh again, I knew that him and I are going to be good, no, great friends. As I step out of my room and close the door behind me I feel very strong and big hands cover my mouth and more hands lifting me up. I struggle to get away or to scream. To do something anything to get free but nothing is working. The last thing I see is Josh mouthing something. And then it goes black. No I didn’t pass out. I was taken into a pitch black room that’s all. Then right after that I was thrown on what I believe is a bed. This has to be a joke. As if someone was reading my mind someone spoke. I believe it was Josh. “Hey sorry about this we just wanted to make you feel better.” We? Who’s we? As I was thinking the light went on and I saw Josh and 5 other guys standing in front of me. They were really good looking. One had black hair with blonde in it, he was also quite tan. Another was shorter then the rest, also had blonde hair with brown and the most gorgeous blue eyes. Another had a mop of hair in his head, it was very curly his eyes were piercing. They were green, and just amazing. Another was taller and had his head shaved. He was also very strongly built. The last guy was also strongly built, he had wind swept hair. His eyes were a grey/ blue and were also gorgeous. All cute and good looking but two stood out for me. The blonde and the boy with green eyes. I swear I had seen them before but where? Then it hit me. I’m in the presents of One Direction. So Josh is… Josh Devine their drummer. How could I be so stupid? I was brought out of my thoughts by Josh’s voice “Haha Harry, Niall, she’s staring at you.

Harry’s POV

     Josh didn’t tell us she was this beautiful. He said pretty but nothing more. I could automatically see she wasn’t the girly type. She was wearing skinnies, with high tops, and a hoodie, Jake Willis to be exact. Her hair was very straight and was held down by a beanie. She was also barely wearing any makeup. The way she dressed fit her perfectly. It was really cute. I was snapped out of my thoughts by her talking. Wow she had a cute voice too. “Ummm… Why am I here?” She asked. I rushed to answer. “You’re here because Josh here told us about your story and we thought that you might want some friends to hang out with. I’m Harry by the way. But you way already know that.” She smiled. Wow her smile was gorgeous. Wait am I developing a crush on her? I can’t I don’t even know her. But yet I cant seem to feel like we are connected someway. Just I hope I can get her to feel the same way.

Niall’s POV

   I notice Harry starring at Teegan. Does he like her? He can’t that would be bad for me. Yes I Niall Horan have a crush on someone I don’t know. But its something I got as soon as I saw her. If Harry also likes her and he asks her out or tries something she will obviously go for him they always do. And I’m always left heart broken. She just seems like such a nice girl and she also seems like she’s been through a lot lately. I can be there for her. And not to backstab Harry but he will only hurt her.

Teegan’s POV

    I have a feeling my life has changed forever. But thing is… For better or worse?

A/N Sorry guys for such a short chappie. I wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger. But Message me your ideas of who you want her to be with or some ideas u want in the story I will choose the best one and the best one will also get there name put into the story for quick appearance in the story!

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