2, Dinner

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"Demoted." I had been demoted just then, hadn't I? From Alpha to pet. They might think me demoted, but I know who I am, what I am. Fuck this collar.

"Now, then, I'm sure you're dying for some food," Ieli said as he moved off the bed. Excitement filled my chest at his words. Yes, finally.

Yenthyr got off of me, grabbing one of the leather straps around my chest and using it to lift me up to a sitting position. He unstrapped my ankles from the spreader bar, but left my arms bound behind me and left the gag on.

I watched as Yenthyr put the spreader bar away in the bdsm wardrobe, closing the doors. He and Ieli redressed themselves. As I watched, I could feel their cum trickle out of my hole and unconsciously clenched up to keep it in. I wasn't used to having fluids in my ass, and it was a weird feeling.

"Come here, pet," Ieli said as he crooked a finger at me. I glowered at him, staying where I was. I was already sick of that name. The vampire raised an eyebrow at me and crossed his arms over his chest. "Are you not hungry after all? Did you somehow ingest sustenance during your long boat trip? I suppose if that's the case, we can send you right to bed and you won't be fed again until tomorrow night."

"Nmph," I grunted, shaking my head as I moved to get off the bed. He waited as I approached him. As I walked, I could feel the soreness in my ass, both from the spankings and their rough fucking. I hated being penetrated down there. I wondered why Vanilla liked it so much, but then remembered that I was an Alpha, and Alphas weren't meant to be fucked, it wasn't meant to feel good for us. And Vanilla was a slut, so of course he would like it.

"You don't quite enjoy being fucked, do you?" Ieli remarked, eyeing how tense I was. I narrowed my eyes at him. He reached over to pat my head, but I ducked out of the way, growling. He took his hand back, vaguely rolling his eyes.

"Now that you're our new pet, you can expect to be fucked quite a lot," he told me, and I glared at him again. He regarded my glare, his eyes unperturbed, and merely waved his hand. "Come," he said, as he then turned to head into a closet.

I frowned at his choice of direction. I thought they were going to get me food, but here he was, heading into a closet. "Go," Yenthyr said behind me. I growled in response, but followed Ieli into the closet because I had a feeling Yenthyr wouldn't hesitate to spank me if I stayed put, and my ass was still burning.

The closet was probably the biggest closet I'd ever been in. It was basically the size of a small room, with shelves for shoes and three different racks for shirts and drawers for pants. Ieli slid out a drawer at the very bottom and pulled out an outfit. It was maroon in color, and looked like a one-piece, the top half consisting of a loose tank top with large arm holes spanning down to the hips, and the bottom half consisting of a loincloth. There was a gold symbol on the front and back, but I didn't recognize it. It was a capital S with a collar around it.

"You will wear this when you're not inside our quarters. The symbol indicates to our clan members and our servants that you are our pet. It will prevent others from having their way with you whenever they want, and it will let the servants know that your duties will vary," he told me. He came over and held it out for me to step into. The neck hole was big enough to fit around my hips and chest. What's the point of having that piece of fabric there? It's so loose.

I stepped into the loincloth simply because I didn't want to be naked anymore. "Hold on," Yenthyr said behind me, just as Ieli was pulling the loincloth up my thighs. He paused, and I felt hands pry my butt cheeks apart before a thick glass butt plug was inserted into my ass, effectively sealing their cum inside me.

"Mmph!" I glared over my shoulder at Yenthyr. The cone-shaped glass plug sat heavy inside me, keeping me stretched around it. This is such a weird feeling. It's like I need to take a shit or something.

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